朝のオーツ麦が体重管理に役立つ可能性(How your morning oats could help you manage your weight)


2024-07-18 アリゾナ大学

新しい研究によると、オザンピック(セマグルチド)に代わり、食物繊維ベータグルカンを含む食品の摂取が体重減少と血糖値改善に効果的です。アリゾナ大学のフランク・デューカ教授が主導した研究では、オーツ麦や大麦に含まれるベータグルカンが体重減少と肥満改善に寄与することを発見しました。この研究は、異なる繊維が腸内微生物群に与える影響を分析し、ベータグルカンが体重減少とグルコース恒常性の改善に最も効果的であることを示しました。研究結果は「The Journal of Nutrition」に発表されました。デューカ教授は、腸内での繊維と細菌の相互作用で生成されるブチレートという代謝物が、体重減少効果に重要であると説明しています。彼の研究室は今後も異なる繊維の効果を研究し、ブチレートの放出を最適化する強化繊維の開発を目指しています。


植物性食物繊維が腸内細菌叢と代謝産物の変化を介して高脂肪食マウスの代謝ホメオスタシスに与える影響 Impact of Plant-Based Dietary Fibers on Metabolic Homeostasis in High-Fat Diet Mice via Alterations in the Gut Microbiota and Metabolites

Elizabeth J Howard, Rachel K Meyer, Savanna N Weninger, Taylor Martinez, Hallie R Wachsmuth, Marc Pignitter, Arturo Auñon-Lopez, Archana Kangath, Kalina Duszka, Haiwei Gu, Gabriele Schiro, Daniel Laubtiz, Frank A Duca
The Journal of Nutrition  Available online: 10 May 2024

朝のオーツ麦が体重管理に役立つ可能性(How your morning oats could help you manage your weight)


The gut microbiota contributes to metabolic disease, and diet shapes the gut microbiota, emphasizing the need to better understand how diet impacts metabolic disease via gut microbiota alterations. Fiber intake is linked with improvements in metabolic homeostasis in rodents and humans, which is associated with changes in the gut microbiota. However, dietary fiber is extremely heterogeneous, and it is imperative to comprehensively analyze the impact of various plant-based fibers on metabolic homeostasis in an identical setting and compare the impact of alterations in the gut microbiota and bacterially derived metabolites from different fiber sources.

The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of different plant-based fibers (pectin, β-glucan, wheat dextrin, resistant starch, and cellulose as a control) on metabolic homeostasis through alterations in the gut microbiota and its metabolites in high-fat diet (HFD)-fed mice.

HFD-fed mice were supplemented with 5 different fiber types (pectin, β-glucan, wheat dextrin, resistant starch, or cellulose as a control) at 10% (wt/wt) for 18 wk (n = 12/group), measuring body weight, adiposity, indirect calorimetry, glucose tolerance, and the gut microbiota and metabolites.

Only β-glucan supplementation during HFD-feeding decreased adiposity and body weight gain and improved glucose tolerance compared with HFD-cellulose, whereas all other fibers had no effect. This was associated with increased energy expenditure and locomotor activity in mice compared with HFD-cellulose. All fibers supplemented into an HFD uniquely shifted the intestinal microbiota and cecal short-chain fatty acids; however, only β-glucan supplementation increased cecal butyrate concentrations. Lastly, all fibers altered the small-intestinal microbiota and portal bile acid composition.

These findings demonstrate that β-glucan consumption is a promising dietary strategy for metabolic disease, possibly via increased energy expenditure through alterations in the gut microbiota and bacterial metabolites in mice.
