地下鉄の公害が高すぎるとの調査結果、黒人やヒスパニック系乗車客に不均衡な影響(Study Finds Subway Pollution Is Too High—With a Disproportionate Effect on Black and Hispanic Riders)


2024-09-10 コロンビア大学

コロンビア気候研究所のShams Azad博士が行った研究によると、ニューヨーク市の地下鉄内の空気は地上の空気よりも10倍汚染されており、特にブラックやヒスパニック系の乗客が高い曝露を受けています。Azad博士は19の地下鉄路線と429の駅でPM2.5の濃度を測定し、労働者の通勤時間や距離を分析しました。その結果、地下鉄内の汚染はWHOの基準を大きく超えており、特に長時間通勤するブラックやヒスパニック系の労働者は、他の人種グループよりも20~35%多く汚染物質に曝露されていることが判明しました。


ニューヨーク市地下鉄のホームワーク通勤時の微小粒子状物質への暴露量 Exposure to fine particulate matter in the New York City subway system during home-work commute

Shams Azad ,Pau Ferrer-Cid,Masoud Ghandehari
PLOS ONE  Published: August 7, 2024

地下鉄の公害が高すぎるとの調査結果、黒人やヒスパニック系乗車客に不均衡な影響(Study Finds Subway Pollution Is Too High—With a Disproportionate Effect on Black and Hispanic Riders)


The New York City (NYC) subway system accommodates 5.5 million daily commuters, and the environment within the subway is known to have high concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution. Naturally, subway air pollution varies among individuals according to their mobility patterns, introducing the possibility of inequality in PM2.5 exposure. This study aims to evaluate individual and community-level exposure to subway PM2.5. We simulated the intracity home-to-work trip patterns using the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) records of 3.1 million working commuters across 34,169 census blocks in four boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx) of NYC. We incorporated the on-platform and on-train measured PM2.5 concentration data for the entire subway system. The mean underground platform concentration in the city was 139 μg/m3 with a standard deviation of 25 μg/m3, while the on-train concentration when underground was 99 μg/m3 with a standard deviation of 21 μg/m3. Using a network model, we determined the exposure of individual commuters during their daily home-work trips. We quantified the mean per capita exposure at the census block level by considering the proportion of workers within the blocks who rely on the subway for their work commute. Results indicate statistically significant weak positive correlation between elevated subway PM2.5 exposure and economically disadvantaged and racial minority groups.
