合成遺伝物質を生産する新しい酵素を開発(UC Irvine-led team engineers new enzyme to produce synthetic genetic material)


2024-10-08 カリフォルニア大学校アーバイン校(UCI)

カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校(UC Irvine)主導の研究チームが、新しい酵素「10-92 TNAポリメラーゼ」を開発し、合成遺伝物質「トレオース核酸(TNA)」の効率的な生成に成功しました。TNAはDNAよりも安定しており、がんや自己免疫疾患、感染症の治療に向けた新しい治療オプションの開発が期待されます。この酵素は、自然なDNA合成に近い性能を持ち、合成生物学の進展に大きく貢献します。今後、より精密で強力な治療薬の開発が可能となると期待されています。


相同組換えによる高効率TNAポリメラーゼの指向的進化 Directed evolution of a highly efficient TNA polymerase achieved by homologous recombination

Victoria A. Maola,Eric J. Yik,Mohammad Hajjar,Joy J. Lee,Manuel J. Holguin,Riley N. Quijano,Kalvin K. Nguyen,Katherine L. Ho,Jenny V. Medina,Nicholas Chim & John C. Chaput
Nature Catalysis  Published:01 October 2024

合成遺伝物質を生産する新しい酵素を開発(UC Irvine-led team engineers new enzyme to produce synthetic genetic material)


Reprogramming DNA polymerases to synthesize xeno-nucleic acids (XNAs) is an important challenge that tests current enzyme engineering tools. Here we describe an evolutionary campaign aimed at generating an XNA polymerase that can efficiently make α-l-threofuranosyl nucleic acid (TNA)—an artificial genetic polymer that is recalcitrant to nucleases and resistant to acid-mediated degradation. Starting from a homologous recombination library, iterative cycles of selection were performed to traverse the fitness landscape in search of neutral mutations with increased evolutionary potential. Subsequent directed evolution of focused mutagenic libraries yielded 10–92, a newly engineered TNA polymerase that functions with a catalytic rate of ∼1 nt s-1 and >99% fidelity. A crystal structure of the closed ternary complex reveals the degree of structural change required to remodel the active site pocket for improved TNA synthesis activity. Together, these data demonstrate the importance of recombination as a strategy for evolving XNA polymerases with considerable practical value for biotechnology and medicine.
