2025-03-05 京都大学
- https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2025-03-05
- https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/sites/default/files/2025-03/web_2503_Ohtsuki-4dc20e6228f044269fff518d80cc0a29.pdf
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s42003-025-07566-2
母体の免疫活性化と思春期前後のストレスが複合的に反応性ミクログリアを産生し、小脳認知を抑制する Maternal immune activation followed by peripubertal stress combinedly produce reactive microglia and confine cerebellar cognition
Momoka Hikosaka,Md Sorwer Alam Parvez,Yuki Yamawaki,Souichi Oe,Yuan Liang,Yayoi Wada,Yukie Hirahara,Taro Koike,Hirohiko Imai,Naoya Oishi,Sina M. Schalbetter,Asuka Kumagai,Mari Yoshida,Takeshi Sakurai,Masaaki Kitada,Urs Meyer,Shuh Narumiya & Gen Ohtsuki
Communications Biology Published:03 March 2025
The functional alteration of microglia arises in brains exposed to external stress during early development. Pathophysiological findings of neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder suggest cerebellar functional deficits. However, the link between stress-induced microglia reactivity and cerebellar dysfunction is missing. Here, we investigate the developmental immune environment in translational mouse models that combine two risk factors: maternal infection and repeated social defeat stress (2HIT). We find the synergy of inflammatory stress insults, leading to microglial increase specifically in the cerebellum of both sexes. Microglial turnover correlates with the Purkinje neuron loss in 2HIT mice. Highly multiplexed imaging-mass-cytometry identifies a cell transition to TREM2(+) stress-associated microglia in the cerebellum. Single-cell-proteomic clustering reveals IL-6- and TGFβ-signaling association with microglial cell transitions. Reduced excitability of remaining Purkinje cells, cerebellum-involved brain-wide functional dysconnectivity, and behavioral abnormalities indicate cerebellar cognitive dysfunctions in 2HIT animals, which are ameliorated by both systemic and cerebellum-specific microglia replacement.