小麦のゲノム解析が未来の品種改良に道を開く (Near-complete Genome Assembly of Chinese Spring Paves the Way for Future Wheat Breeding)


2025-03-01 中国科学院 (CAS)

小麦のゲノム解析が未来の品種改良に道を開く (Near-complete Genome Assembly of Chinese Spring Paves the Way for Future Wheat Breeding)Near-complete assembly of the Chinese Spring genome. (Image by IGDB)

中国科学院遺伝・発育生物学研究所の傅向東(FU Xiangdong)教授と陸飛(LU Fei)教授の研究チームは、中国農業大学の研究者と協力し、小麦品種「Chinese Spring(CS)」のゲノムをほぼ完全に解読しました。 小麦は複雑で高度に反復的なアロヘキサプロイドゲノムを持ち、完全な配列決定が困難でしたが、今回の研究では、Oxford Nanoporeの超長鎖リードシーケンシング、PacBio HiFi高精度シーケンシング、Hi-Cデータを組み合わせて、14.46 Gbのゲノムを99.996%以上の塩基精度で解読し、290のギャップのみが残りました。特に、染色体1D、3D、4D、5Dは初めてギャップなしで組み立てられ、1Dと5Dはテロメアからテロメアまでの完全な配列が得られました。これにより、151,405の高信頼性遺伝子が注釈され、そのうち59,180は新たに同定され、7,602は初めて組み立てられた遺伝子でした。さらに、6種類の種子貯蔵タンパク質(SSP)の分布と発現が解明され、ω-グリアジンの発現はBサブゲノムからのみであり、他のSSPは主にDサブゲノムから発現していることが示されました。これらの成果は、小麦の遺伝学的研究と育種における新たな道を開くものです。


コムギChinese Springゲノムのほぼ完全なアセンブリと包括的アノテーション Near-complete assembly and comprehensive annotation of the wheat Chinese Spring genome

Zijian Wang∙ Lingfeng Miao∙ Kaiwen Tan∙ … ∙ Xiangdong Fu∙ Qixin Sun∙ Jian Chen
Molecular Plant  Published:February 12, 2025


A complete reference genome assembly is crucial for biological research and genetic improvement. Owing to its large size and highly repetitive nature, there are numerous gaps in the globally used wheat Chinese Spring (CS) genome assembly. In this study, we generated a 14.46 Gb near-complete assembly of the CS genome, with a contig N50 of over 266 Mb and an overall base accuracy of 99.9963%. Among the 290 gaps that remained (26, 257, and 7 gaps from the A, B, and D subgenomes, respectively), 278 were extremely high-copy tandem repeats, whereas the remaining 12 were transposable-element-associated gaps. Four chromosome assemblies were completely gap-free, including chr1D, chr3D, chr4D, and chr5D. Extensive annotation of the near-complete genome revealed 151 405 high-confidence genes, of which 59 180 were newly annotated, including 7602 newly assembled genes. Except for the centromere of chr1B, which has a gap associated with superlong GAA repeat arrays, the centromeric sequences of all of the remaining 20 chromosomes were completely assembled. Our near-complete assembly revealed that the extent of tandem repeats, such as simple-sequence repeats, was highly uneven among different subgenomes. Similarly, the repeat compositions of the centromeres also varied among the three subgenomes. With the genome sequences of all six types of seed storage proteins (SSPs) fully assembled, the expression of ω-gliadin was found to be contributed entirely by the B subgenome, whereas the expression of the other five types of SSPs was most abundant from the D subgenome. The near-complete CS genome will serve as a valuable resource for genomic and functional genomic research and breeding of wheat as well as its related species.
