昆虫が気温を調整する仕組みに関する研究(What we can learn from how flies set the thermostat)


2025-03-05 ノースウェスタン大学

ノースウェスタン大学の研究者たちは、異なる気候に生息する2種のハエを用いて、昆虫が外部温度をどのように感知し、反応するかを調査しました。 北カリフォルニアの涼しい高地森林に生息するハエは、熱を避ける傾向が強く、これは触角の分子熱受容体の感度が高いためと考えられます。一方、南西部の暑く乾燥した砂漠に生息するハエは、熱に引き寄せられる傾向があり、これは感覚刺激の価値(魅力性または嫌悪性)を計算する脳の領域の配線の違いに起因する可能性があります。これらの発見は、気候変動が昆虫の行動や分布に与える影響を理解する上で重要な手がかりを提供します。


ショウジョウバエ属における温度嗜好性の進化 Evolution of temperature preference in flies of the genus Drosophila

Matthew Capek,Oscar M. Arenas,Michael H. Alpert,Emanuela E. Zaharieva,Iván D. Méndez-González,José Miguel Simões,Hamin Gil,Aldair Acosta,Yuqing Su,Alessia Para & Marco Gallio
Nature  Published:05 March 2025

昆虫が気温を調整する仕組みに関する研究(What we can learn from how flies set the thermostat)


The preference for a particular thermal range is a key determinant of the distribution of animal species. However, we know little on how temperature preference behaviour evolves during the colonization of new environments. Here we show that at least two distinct neurobiological mechanisms drive the evolution of temperature preference in flies of the genus Drosophila. Fly species from mild climates (D.melanogaster and D.persimilis) avoid both innocuous and noxious heat, and we show that the thermal activation threshold of the molecular heat receptor Gr28b.d precisely matches species-specific thresholds of behavioural heat avoidance. We find that desert-dwelling D.mojavensis are instead actively attracted to innocuous heat. Notably, heat attraction is also mediated by Gr28b.d (and by the antennal neurons that express it) and matches its threshold of heat activation. Rather, the switch in valence from heat aversion to attraction correlates with specific changes in thermosensory input to the lateral horn, the main target of central thermosensory pathways and a region of the fly brain implicated in the processing of innate valence. Together, our results demonstrate that, in Drosophila, the adaptation to different thermal niches involves changes in thermal preference behaviour, and that this can be accomplished using distinct neurobiological solutions, ranging from shifts in the activation threshold of peripheral thermosensory receptor proteins to a substantial change in the way temperature valence is processed in the brain.
