他のスナック菓子をピーカンに置き換えるとコレステロールや食事の質が改善する可能性(Replacing other snacks with pecans may improve cholesterol, diet quality)


2025-03-17 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究によれば、日常的なスナックをペカンナッツに置き換えることで、コレステロール値の改善と全体的な食事の質の向上が期待できることが示されました。 この研究では、メタボリックシンドロームのリスクがある138名の成人を対象に、12週間にわたり通常のスナックを2オンス(約56グラム)のペカンナッツに置き換える群と、通常の食事を続ける群に分けて比較しました。その結果、ペカンナッツを摂取した群では、総コレステロール、低密度リポタンパク質(LDL)コレステロール、非高密度リポタンパク質(HDL)コレステロール、総コレステロールとHDLコレステロールの比率、トリグリセリド(中性脂肪)が有意に低下しました。さらに、ペカンナッツを摂取した参加者は、植物性タンパク質やシーフードなど、他の不足しがちな食品群の摂取も増加し、アメリカ人の食事ガイドラインへの遵守度が17%向上しました。これらの結果は、ペカンナッツが抗炎症作用を持つポリフェノールを含み、心血管の健康維持に寄与する可能性を示唆しています。


スナックとしてピーカンを摂取することは、心代謝性疾患のリスクが高い成人において、通常の食事と比較して脂質/リポ蛋白質と食事の質を改善する:ランダム化比較試験 Consuming pecans as a snack improves lipids/lipoproteins and diet quality compared with usual diet in adults at increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases: a randomized controlled trial

Tricia L Hart, Penny M Kris-Etherton, Kristina S Petersen
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  Available online: 27 January 2025

他のスナック菓子をピーカンに置き換えるとコレステロールや食事の質が改善する可能性(Replacing other snacks with pecans may improve cholesterol, diet quality)


The vascular and cardiometabolic effects of pecans are relatively understudied.

The aim was to examine how substitution of usual snack foods with 57 g/d of pecans affects vascular health, risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases, and diet quality, compared with continuing usual intake in individuals at risk of cardiometabolic diseases.

A 12-wk single-blinded, parallel, randomized controlled trial was conducted. Adults with ≥1 criterion for metabolic syndrome who were free from cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes were included. Participants were provided with 57 g/d of pecans and instructed to replace the snacks usually consumed with the provided pecans. The control group was instructed to continue consuming their usual diet. Flow-mediated dilation (FMD),primary outcome, along with blood pressure, carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (cf-PWV), lipids/lipoproteins, and glycemic control were measured at baseline and following the intervention. Participants completed 3 24-h recalls at 3 time points (baseline, week 6, and week 12) during the study (9 recalls in total). The Healthy Eating Index-2020 (HEI-2020) was calculated to assess diet quality.

In total, 138 participants (mean ± SD; 46 ± 13 y, 29.8 ± 3.7 kg/m2) were randomly assigned (69 per group). No between-group differences in FMD, cf-PWV, or blood pressure were observed. Compared with the usual diet group, pecan intake reduced total cholesterol (-8.1 mg/dL; 95% confidence interval [CI]: -14.5, -1.7), LDL cholesterol (-7.2 mg/dL; 95% CI -12.3, -2.1), non-HDL-cholesterol (-9.5 mg/dL; 95% CI -15.3, -3.7), and triglycerides concentrations (-16.4 mg/dL; 95% CI -30.0, -2.9). Weight tended to increase in the pecan group compared with the usual diet group (0.7 kg; 95% CI -0.1, 1.4). The HEI-2020 increased by 9.4 points (95% CI 5.0, 13.7) in the pecan group compared with the usual diet group.

Replacing usual snacks with 57 g/d of pecans for 12-wk improves lipids/lipoproteins and diet quality but does not affect vascular health in adults at risk of cardiometabolic disease.

This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT05071807.
