頭、体、目の協調運動は動物界で保存されていることが判明(Head, body, eye coordination conserved across animal kingdom, researchers find)


ミバエで観察された視覚制御運動は、エネルギーを節約し、パフォーマンスを向上させるために進化した可能性がある Vision-control movements observed in fruit flies may have evolved to conserve energy, improve performance

2022-05-09 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

A small fruit fly is tethered to a pin attached to a magnet.Researchers suspended a fruit fly from a pin and magnet and projected footage of what the insect would see while in flight on LED screens, which caused it to move as if freely flying. In

ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究者たちが、仮想現実のフライトシミュレーターを利用して、ミバエは頭と体の動きを同期させて、視界を安定させ効率的に飛行していることを明らかにした。この発見は、霊長類やその他の動物にも当てはまるようで、研究者らは、動物がエネルギーを節約してパフォーマンスを向上させるために、目と体を別々に動かすように進化したことを示していると述べている。研究代表者のJean-Michel Mongeau助教授(機械工学)は、この知見は高度な移動ロボットの設計に役立つと述べています。


相補的なフィードバック制御により、動物における効果的な視線安定化が可能になる Complementary feedback control enables effective gaze stabilization in animals

Benjamin, Wael Salem, and Jean-Michel Mongeau
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:May 3, 2022


Visually active animals coordinate vision and movement to achieve spectacular tasks. An essential prerequisite to guide agile locomotion is to keep gaze level and stable. Since the eyes, head and body can move independently to control gaze, how does the brain effectively coordinate these distinct motor outputs? Furthermore, since the eyes, head, and body have distinct mechanical constraints (e.g., inertia), how does the nervous system adapt its control to these constraints? To address these questions, we studied gaze control in flying fruit flies (Drosophila) using a paradigm which permitted direct measurement of head and body movements. By combining experiments with mathematical modeling, we show that body movements are sensitive to the speed of visual motion whereas head movements are sensitive to its acceleration. This complementary tuning of the head and body permitted flies to stabilize a broader range of visual motion frequencies. We discovered that flies implement proportional-derivative (PD) control, but unlike classical engineering control systems, relay the proportional and derivative signals in parallel to two distinct motor outputs. This scheme, although derived from flies, recapitulated classic primate vision responses thus suggesting convergent mechanisms across phyla. By applying scaling laws, we quantify that animals as diverse as flies, mice, and humans as well as bio-inspired robots can benefit energetically by having a high ratio between head, body, and eye inertias. Our results provide insights into the mechanical constraints that may have shaped the evolution of active vision and present testable neural control hypotheses for visually guided behavior across phyla.

