UB主導の研究により、パーキンソン病とその治療法の解明に重要な一歩を踏み出す(UB-led study presents critical step forward in understanding Parkinson’s disease and how to treat it)


2022-06-09 バッファロー大学(UB)

ヒト人工多能性幹細胞(iPSC)を、パーキンソン病で失われるA9ドーパミンニューロン(A9 DA)に分化させる方法を発見しました。


人工多能性幹細胞からのヒトA9ドーパミン作動性ペースメーカーの作製 Generation of human A9 dopaminergic pacemakers from induced pluripotent stem cells

Hong Li,Houbo Jiang,Hanqin Li,Li Li,Zhen Yan & Jian Feng
Molecular Psychiatry  Published:24 May 2022

UB主導の研究により、パーキンソン病とその治療法の解明に重要な一歩を踏み出す(UB-led study presents critical step forward in understanding Parkinson’s disease and how to treat it)


The degeneration of nigral (A9) dopaminergic (DA) neurons causes motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD). We use small-molecule compounds to direct the differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to A9 DA neurons that share many important properties with their in vivo counterparts. The method generates a large percentage of TH+ neurons that express appropriate A9 markers, such as GIRK2 and ALDH1A1, but mostly not the A10 marker CALBINDIN. Functionally, they exhibit autonomous pacemaking based on L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels and show autoreceptor-dependent regulation of dopamine release. When transplanted in the striatum of 6-OHDA-lesioned athymic rats, the human A9 DA neurons manifest robust survival and axon outgrowth, and ameliorate motor deficits in the rat PD model. The ability to generate patient-specific A9 DA autonomous pacemakers will significantly improve PD research and facilitate the development of disease-modifying therapies.
