生命はマイカを模倣する。ヘレン・ハンスマが、地球上での生命の誕生に関する仮説の概要を発表。(Life Imitates Mica:Biophysicist emerita Helen Hansma outlines her hypothesis of how life began on Earth)


2022-09-20 カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校(UCSB)

How life on Earth may have gotten its start between mica sheets

DNAナノテクノロジー分野の発明者であるNed Seeman氏の業績を記念して書かれた論文で、原始生命は、細胞以前の配列で、私たちの脂質とタンパク質をベースにした細胞に進化し、その始まりは粘土質だったかもしれないという長年の考えを概説している。


DNAと生命の起源を解明する雲母粘土 DNA and the origins of life in micaceous clay

Helen Greenwood Hansma
Biophysical Journal  Published:September 20, 2022


Reproducible imaging of DNA by atomic force microscopy was a useful predecessor to Ned Seeman’s DNA nanotechnology. Many of the products of DNA nanotechnology were imaged in the atomic force microscope. The mica substrate used in this atomic force microscopy research formed the inspiration for the hypothesis that micaceous clay was a likely habitat for the origins of life. Montmorillonite clay has been a successful substrate for the polymerization of amino acids and nucleotides into peptides and DNA oligomers in research on life’s origins. Mica and montmorillonite have the same anionic lattice, with a hexagonal spacing of 0.5 nm. Micas are nonswelling clays, with potassium ions (K+) holding the crystal sheets together, providing a stable environment for the processes and molecular complexes needed for the emergence of living cells. Montmorillonite crystal sheets are held together by smaller sodium ions (Na+), which results in swelling and shrinking during wet-dry cycles, providing a less stable environment. Also, the cells in all types of living systems have high intracellular K+ concentrations, which makes mica a more likely habitat for the origins of life than montmorillonite. Finally, moving mica sheets provides mechanical energy at the split edges of the sheets in mica “books.” This mechanical energy of mica sheets, moving open and shut, in response to fluid flow, may have preceded chemical energy at life’s origins, powering early prebiotic processes, such as the formation of covalent bonds, the interactions of molecular complexes, and the budding off of protocells before the molecular mechanism of cell division had developed.
