ADHDの症状が強い成人は、自閉症の特徴が強い成人に比べて、不安や抑うつを抱えやすいことが、新しい研究で明らかになりました。 Adults with high levels of ADHD symptoms are more likely to have anxiety and depression than adults with high levels of autistic traits, new research finds.
2023-01-16 バース大学
この研究では、英国を代表する大規模な成人サンプルが使用されました。すべての参加者は、ゴールドスタンダードの質問票(自閉症特性に関するものと、ADHD特性に関するもの)を記入し、”私は頻繁に一つのことに強く夢中になる”、”あなたはどれくらいの頻度で、モーターに動かされたかのように、過度に活動的で何かをしなければならないと感じるか “などの文に回答した。
注意欠陥多動性障害特性は、自閉症特性よりも内面化問題の重要な予測因子である Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder traits are a more important predictor of internalising problems than autistic traits
Luca D. Hargitai,Lucy A. Livingston,Lucy H. Waldren,Ross Robinson,Christopher Jarrold & Punit Shah
Scientific Reports Published:16 January 2023
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are both linked to internalising problems like anxiety and depression. ASD and ADHD also often co-occur, making their individual statistical contributions to internalising disorders difficult to investigate. To address this issue, we explored the unique associations of self-reported ASD traits and ADHD traits with internalising problems using a large general population sample of adults from the United Kingdom (N = 504, 49% male). Classical regression analyses indicated that both ASD traits and ADHD traits were uniquely associated with internalising problems. Dominance and Bayesian analyses confirmed that ADHD traits were a stronger, more important predictor of internalising problems. However, brief depression and anxiety measures may not provide a comprehensive index of internalising problems. Additionally, we focused on recruiting a sample that was representative of the UK population according to age and sex, but not ethnicity, a variable that may be linked to internalising disorders. Nevertheless, our findings indicate that while ASD and ADHD uniquely predict internalising problems, ADHD traits are a more important statistical predictor than ASD traits. We discuss potential mechanisms underlying this pattern of results and the implications for research and clinical practice concerning neurodevelopmental conditions.