ウェアラブル技術、AI、臨床チームが参加し、治験モニタリングのあり方を変える(Wearable tech, AI and clinical teams join to change the face of trial monitoring)


学際的な研究チームが、モーションキャプチャ技術とAIを用いて運動障害の進行状況を監視する方法を開発しました。 A multi-disciplinary team of researchers has developed a way to monitor the progression of movement disorders using motion capture technology and AI.

2023-01-22 インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン(ICL)

◆Nature Medicineに掲載された2つの画期的な研究において、AIと臨床研究者の学際的チームは、ウェアラブル技術から収集した人間の動作データを強力な新しい医療AI技術と組み合わせることで、デュシャンヌ型筋ジストロフィー(DMD)とフリードライヒ失調症(FA)という非常に異なる2つの希少疾患における明確な動作パターンの特定、将来の疾患の進行予測、臨床試験の効率の大幅向上を実現できたと発表しています。


日常生活動作のウェアラブル全身モーショントラッキングがデュシェンヌ型筋ジストロフィーの疾患経過を予測する Wearable full-body motion tracking of activities of daily living predicts disease trajectory in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Valeria Ricotti,Balasundaram Kadirvelu,Victoria Selby,Richard Festenstein,Eugenio Mercuri,Thomas Voit & A. Aldo Faisal
Nature Medicine  Published19 January 2023

ウェアラブル技術、AI、臨床チームが参加し、治験モニタリングのあり方を変える(Wearable tech, AI and clinical teams join to change the face of trial monitoring)


Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, yet clinical trials in neurological diseases continue to rely on subjective, semiquantitative and motivation-dependent endpoints for drug development. To overcome this limitation, we collected a digital readout of whole-body movement behavior of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) (n = 21) and age-matched controls (n = 17). Movement behavior was assessed while the participant engaged in everyday activities using a 17-sensor bodysuit during three clinical visits over the course of 12 months. We first defined new movement behavioral fingerprints capable of distinguishing DMD from controls. Then, we used machine learning algorithms that combined the behavioral fingerprints to make cross-sectional and longitudinal disease course predictions, which outperformed predictions derived from currently used clinical assessments. Finally, using Bayesian optimization, we constructed a behavioral biomarker, termed the KineDMD ethomic biomarker, which is derived from daily-life behavioral data and whose value progresses with age in an S-shaped sigmoid curve form. The biomarker developed in this study, derived from digital readouts of daily-life movement behavior, can predict disease progression in patients with muscular dystrophy and can potentially track the response to therapy.

ウェアラブル・モーションキャプチャ・スーツと機械学習により、フリードライヒ失調症の病勢進行を予測 A wearable motion capture suit and machine learning predict disease progression in Friedreich’s ataxia

Balasundaram Kadirvelu,Constantinos Gavriel,Sathiji Nageshwaran,Jackson Ping Kei Chan,Suran Nethisinghe,Stavros Athanasopoulos,Valeria Ricotti,Thomas Voit,Paola Giunti,Richard Festenstein & A. Aldo Faisal
Nature Medicine  Published:19 January 2023

figure 1


Friedreichʼs ataxia (FA) is caused by a variant of the Frataxin (FXN) gene, leading to its downregulation and progressively impaired cardiac and neurological function. Current gold-standard clinical scales use simplistic behavioral assessments, which require 18- to 24-month-long trials to determine if therapies are beneficial. Here we captured full-body movement kinematics from patients with wearable sensors, enabling us to define digital behavioral features based on the data from nine FA patients (six females and three males) and nine age- and sex-matched controls, who performed the 8-m walk (8-MW) test and 9-hole peg test (9 HPT). We used machine learning to combine these features to longitudinally predict the clinical scores of the FA patients, and compared these with two standard clinical assessments, Spinocerebellar Ataxia Functional Index (SCAFI) and Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA). The digital behavioral features enabled longitudinal predictions of personal SARA and SCAFI scores 9 months into the future and were 1.7 and 4 times more precise than longitudinal predictions using only SARA and SCAFI scores, respectively. Unlike the two clinical scales, the digital behavioral features accurately predicted FXN gene expression levels for each FA patient in a cross-sectional manner. Our work demonstrates how data-derived wearable biomarkers can track personal disease trajectories and indicates the potential of such biomarkers for substantially reducing the duration or size of clinical trials testing disease-modifying therapies and for enabling behavioral transcriptomics.
