PTSD患者が睡眠中に非常に強い恐怖の記憶を追体験する理由を神経科学者が解明(Neuroscientists learn why PTSD patients relive highly charged fear memories in sleep)


レム睡眠のモデルにより、心的外傷後ストレス障害を持つ人々の感情的な恐怖の記憶を抑制する睡眠中の脳の働きを止めるものが明らかになりました。 Models of REM sleep are revealing what stops the sleeping brain from inhibiting emotionally charged fear memories in people experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.

2023-02-07 バージニア工科大学(VirginiaTech)

◆ビジャヤンは、『Journal of Neuroscience』誌に発表した新しい研究で、睡眠中の脳の生物物理学的モデルを作成するチームを率い、PTSD患者の脳がどのように恐怖記憶を効果的に処理し、消滅させるかをより深く、メカニズム的に探った。
“つまり、私がその音を流しているのに、あなたは眠っている間にそれに気づかないということです “とVijayanは言いました。「PTSDだけでなく、外傷性脳損傷やパーキンソン病など、睡眠が妨げられるあらゆる種類の障害に役立つ可能性があります。望ましい神経ダイナミクスを誘導することで、睡眠の回復力を発揮させることができるということです。


レム睡眠時の情動記憶処理と心的外傷後ストレス障害への影響 Emotional Memory Processing during REM Sleep with Implications for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Young-Ah Rho, Jason Sherfey and Sujith Vijayan
Journal of Neuroscience  Published:8 January 2023


REM sleep is important for the processing of emotional memories, including fear memories. Rhythmic interactions, especially in the theta band, between the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and limbic structures are thought to play an important role, but the ways in which memory processing occurs at a mechanistic and circuits level are largely unknown. To investigate how rhythmic interactions lead to fear extinction during REM sleep, we used a biophysically based model that included the infralimbic cortex (IL), a part of the mPFC with a critical role in suppressing fear memories. Theta frequency (4–12 Hz) inputs to a given cell assembly in IL, representing an emotional memory, resulted in the strengthening of connections from the IL to the amygdala and the weakening of connections from the amygdala to the IL, resulting in the suppression of the activity of fear expression cells for the associated memory. Lower frequency (4 Hz) theta inputs effected these changes over a wider range of input strengths. In contrast, inputs at other frequencies were ineffective at causing these synaptic changes and did not suppress fear memories. Under post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) REM sleep conditions, rhythmic activity dissipated, and 4 Hz theta inputs to IL were ineffective, but higher-frequency (10 Hz) theta inputs to IL induced changes similar to those seen with 4 Hz inputs under normal REM sleep conditions, resulting in the suppression of fear expression cells. These results suggest why PTSD patients may repeatedly experience the same emotionally charged dreams and suggest potential neuromodulatory therapies for the amelioration of PTSD symptoms.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Rhythmic interactions in the theta band between the mPFC and limbic structures are thought to play an important role in processing emotional memories, including fear memories, during REM sleep. The infralimbic cortex (IL) in the mPFC is thought to play a critical role in suppressing fear memories. We show that theta inputs to the IL, unlike other frequency inputs, are effective in producing synaptic changes that suppress the activity of fear expression cells associated with a given memory. Under PTSD REM sleep conditions, lower-frequency (4 Hz) theta inputs to the IL do not suppress the activity of fear expression cells associated with the given memory but, surprisingly, 10 Hz inputs do. These results suggest potential neuromodulatory therapies for PTSD.

