時間帯によって、運動による脂肪燃焼量が変わる可能性がある(Time of day may determine the amount of fat burned by exercise)


2023-02-14 スウェーデン王国・カロリンスカ研究所(KI)

◆カロリンスカ研究所分子医学・外科学部門および生理学・薬学部門のJuleen R. Zierath教授は、「この結果は、代謝および脂肪燃焼を高めるという点で、夜遅くの運動よりも朝遅くの運動の方が効果的である可能性を示唆しており、そうであれば、肥満気味の人々にとって価値があることを証明できるかもしれません」と述べています。


マウス脂肪組織における運動後の代謝は時間帯によって左右される Time of day determines postexercise metabolism in mouse adipose tissue

Logan A. Pendergrast,Leonidas S. Lundell,Amy M. Ehrlich,Stephen P. Ashcroft,Milena Schönke,Astrid L. Basse,Anna Krook,Jonas T. Treebak,Lucile Dollet,Juleen R. Zierath
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:February 13, 2023

時間帯によって、運動による脂肪燃焼量が変わる可能性がある(Time of day may determine the amount of fat burned by exercise)


Nearly all cells in the body have an internal biological circadian clock that is synchronized by external cues. This machinery forms a transcription–translation feedback loop that anticipates and adapts organismal physiology throughout the 24-h day–night cycle. We tested the hypothesis that timing of energetic stressors that affect glucose and energy homeostasis, namely exercise and feeding status, can differentially influence metabolism in adipose tissue. We found that acute exercise elicits a timing-specific effect on adipose tissue, which is independent of feeding status. Adipose tissue sensitivity to exercise is timing-dependent and modulated in a cell-autonomous fashion, as evidenced by enhanced transcription of metabolic genes in early active phase. Thus, exercise timing may fine-tune adipose metabolism to improve energy homeostasis in cardiometabolic disease.


The circadian clock is a cell-autonomous transcription–translation feedback mechanism that anticipates and adapts physiology and behavior to different phases of the day. A variety of factors including hormones, temperature, food-intake, and exercise can act on tissue-specific peripheral clocks to alter the expression of genes that influence metabolism, all in a time-of-day dependent manner. The aim of this study was to elucidate the effects of exercise timing on adipose tissue metabolism. We performed RNA sequencing on inguinal adipose tissue of mice immediately following maximal exercise or sham treatment at the early rest or early active phase. Only during the early active phase did exercise elicit an immediate increase in serum nonesterified fatty acids. Furthermore, early active phase exercise increased expression of markers of thermogenesis and mitochondrial proliferation in inguinal adipose tissue. In vitro, synchronized 3T3-L1 adipocytes showed a timing-dependent difference in Adrb2 expression, as well as a greater lipolytic activity. Thus, the response of adipose tissue to exercise is time-of-day sensitive and may be partly driven by the circadian clock. To determine the influence of feeding state on the time-of-day response to exercise, we replicated the experiment in 10-h-fasted early rest phase mice to mimic the early active phase metabolic status. A 10-h fast led to a similar lipolytic response as observed after active phase exercise but did not replicate the transcriptomic response, suggesting that the observed changes in gene expression are not driven by feeding status. In conclusion, acute exercise elicits timing-specific effects on adipose tissue to maintain metabolic homeostasis.
