科学者が皮膚表面の微生物の進化を追跡調査(Scientists track evolution of microbes on the skin’s surface)


黄色ブドウ球菌が湿疹を作るための変異を獲得していることが、新たな分析により明らかになりました。 A new analysis reveals how Staphylococcus aureus gains mutations that allow it to colonize eczema patches.

2023-04-12 マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)

本研究は、Cell Host and Microbe誌に掲載されました。


アトピー性皮膚炎治療中の黄色ブドウ球菌の人為的適応進化について On-person adaptive evolution of Staphylococcus aureus during treatment for atopic dermatitis

Felix M. Key.Veda D. Khadka,Carolina Romo-González,Kimbria J. Blake,Liwen Deng,Tucker C. Lynn,Jean C. Lee,Isaac M. Chiu,Maria T. García-Romero,Tami D. Lieberman
Cell Host and Microbe  Published:  April 12, 2023

科学者が皮膚表面の微生物の進化を追跡調査(Scientists track evolution of microbes on the skin’s surface)


•Most patients are colonized stably by a single S. aureus sequence type
•Within each lineage, de novo variants spread and replace their on-person ancestors
•On-person and across-person parallel evolution is observed in capD
•Capsule loss enriched on AD patients compared with healthy carriage or other diseases


The opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus aureus frequently colonizes the inflamed skin of people with atopic dermatitis (AD) and worsens disease severity by promoting skin damage. Here, we show, by longitudinally tracking 23 children treated for AD, that S. aureus adapts via de novo mutations during colonization. Each patient’s S. aureus population is dominated by a single lineage, with infrequent invasion by distant lineages. Mutations emerge within each lineage at rates similar to those of S. aureus in other contexts. Some variants spread across the body within months, with signatures of adaptive evolution. Most strikingly, mutations in capsule synthesis gene capD underwent parallel evolution in one patient and across-body sweeps in two patients. We confirm that capD negativity is more common in AD than in other contexts, via reanalysis of S. aureus genomes from 276 people. Together, these findings highlight the importance of the mutation level when dissecting the role of microbes in complex disease.
