2020年の歴史的な赤潮はプランクトンのスーパースイマーによって引き起こされる(Historic Red Tide Event of 2020 Fueled by Plankton Super Swimmers)


2023-08-29 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

◆2020年、カリフォルニア南部の海域で発生した大規模な赤潮現象は、コケシムシ(dinoflagellate)の一種であるリングロリニウム・ポリエドラ(L. polyedra)の増殖によるもので、美しい生物発光をもたらしました。しかし、この赤潮は有害藻類の増殖でもあり、毒素放出や酸素不足による生態系への被害も引き起こしました。



渦鞭毛藻の垂直移動が強烈な赤潮を引き起こす Dinoflagellate vertical migration fuels an intense red tide

Bofu Zheng, Andrew J. Lucas, Peter J. S. Franks, Tamara L. Schlosser, Clarissa R. Anderson, Uwe Send, Kristen Davis, Andrew D. Barton, and Heidi M. Sosik

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:August 28, 2023


2020年の歴史的な赤潮はプランクトンのスーパースイマーによって引き起こされる(Historic Red Tide Event of 2020 Fueled by Plankton Super Swimmers)


Extremely dense harmful algal blooms (HABs) are an increasing problem globally. How microscopic, single-celled organisms can reach such high abundances is still poorly understood. Over 50 y ago, it was postulated that motile dinoflagellates could form dense blooms through their vertical swimming, which gave them a competitive advantage over other phytoplankton. We tested this hypothesis with innovative in situ observations during a dense bloom. The motile dinoflagellates swam downward at night into the deep nutrient pool, and upward during the day to photosynthesize. Decreases of nutrients in deep waters were proportional to increases in organism abundance, directly linking organism behavioral and metabolic activities. These observations demonstrate that vertical migration is central to the formation of exceptionally dense dinoflagellate HABs.


Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are increasing globally, causing economic, human health, and ecosystem harm. In spite of the frequent occurrence of HABs, the mechanisms responsible for their exceptionally high biomass remain imperfectly understood. A 50-y-old hypothesis posits that some dense blooms derive from dinoflagellate motility: organisms swim upward during the day to photosynthesize and downward at night to access deep nutrients. This allows dinoflagellates to outgrow their nonmotile competitors. We tested this hypothesis with in situ data from an autonomous, ocean-wave-powered vertical profiling system. We showed that the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedra’s vertical migration led to depletion of deep nitrate during a 2020 red tide HAB event. Downward migration began at dusk, with the maximum migration depth determined by local nitrate concentrations. Losses of nitrate at depth were balanced by proportional increases in phytoplankton chlorophyll concentrations and suspended particle load, conclusively linking vertical migration to the access and assimilation of deep nitrate in the ocean environment. Vertical migration during the red tide created anomalous biogeochemical conditions compared to 70 y of climatological data, demonstrating the capacity of these events to temporarily reshape the coastal ocean’s ecosystem and biogeochemistry. Advances in the understanding of the physiological, behavioral, and metabolic dynamics of HAB-forming organisms from cutting-edge observational techniques will improve our ability to forecast HABs and mitigate their consequences in the future.
