脳はいつ成長するのか?(When do brains grow up?)


2023-12-05 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)



霊長類とマウスにおける大脳皮質シナプスの等時性発達 Isochronic development of cortical synapses in primates and mice

Gregg Wildenberg,Hanyu Li,Vandana Sampathkumar,Anastasia Sorokina & Narayanan Kasthuri
Nature Communications  Published:04 December 2023

脳はいつ成長するのか?(When do brains grow up?)


The neotenous, or delayed, development of primate neurons, particularly human ones, is thought to underlie primate-specific abilities like cognition. We tested whether synaptic development follows suit—would synapses, in absolute time, develop slower in longer-lived, highly cognitive species like non-human primates than in shorter-lived species with less human-like cognitive abilities, e.g., the mouse? Instead, we find that excitatory and inhibitory synapses in the male Mus musculus (mouse) and Rhesus macaque (primate) cortex form at similar rates, at similar times after birth. Primate excitatory and inhibitory synapses and mouse excitatory synapses also prune in such an isochronic fashion. Mouse inhibitory synapses are the lone exception, which are not pruned and instead continuously added throughout life. The monotony of synaptic development clocks across species with disparate lifespans, experiences, and cognitive abilities argues that such programs are likely orchestrated by genetic events rather than experience.
