心臓の微小血管を初めて超解像画像化、Imperialで(Microscopic heart vessels imaged in super-resolution for first time at Imperial)


2024-05-06 インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン(ICL)

インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンとUCLの研究者たちは、心臓の微小血管をサブミリメートル解像度で画像化する新しい非侵襲的画像技術を開発しました。この技術は4人の患者でテストされ、従来の技術では見えなかった心筋内の微小血管を詳細に観察することが可能です。この研究は「Nature Biomedical Engineering」に発表され、心臓病の診断や治療に役立つ可能性があります。特に、心筋肥大症の患者に対して超解像度での心臓の微細構造と血流動態を評価し、新たな治療法の開発につながることが期待されています。


経胸壁超音波による心筋血管の顕微鏡観察 Transthoracic ultrasound localization microscopy of myocardial vasculature in patients

Jipeng Yan,Biao Huang,Johanna Tonko,Matthieu Toulemonde,Joseph Hansen-Shearer,Qingyuan Tan,Kai Riemer,Konstantinos Ntagiantas,Rasheda A. Chowdhury,Pier D. Lambiase,Roxy Senior & Meng-Xing Tang
Nature Biomedical Engineering  Published:06 May 2024

心臓の微小血管を初めて超解像画像化、Imperialで(Microscopic heart vessels imaged in super-resolution for first time at Imperial)


Myocardial microvasculature and haemodynamics are indicative of potential microvascular diseases for patients with symptoms of coronary heart disease in the absence of obstructive coronary arteries. However, imaging microvascular structure and flow within the myocardium is challenging owing to the small size of the vessels and the constant movement of the patient’s heart. Here we show the feasibility of transthoracic ultrasound localization microscopy for imaging myocardial microvasculature and haemodynamics in explanted pig hearts and in patients in vivo. Through a customized data-acquisition and processing pipeline with a cardiac phased-array probe, we leveraged motion correction and tracking to reconstruct the dynamics of microcirculation. For four patients, two of whom had impaired myocardial function, we obtained super-resolution images of myocardial vascular structure and flow using data acquired within a breath hold. Myocardial ultrasound localization microscopy may facilitate the understanding of myocardial microcirculation and the management of patients with cardiac microvascular diseases.
