夜勤が糖尿病や肥満のリスクを高めるという研究結果(Study shows how night shift work can raise risk of diabetes, obesity)


2024-05-09 ワシントン州立大学(WSU)

ワシントン州立大学とパシフィック・ノースウェスト国立研究所による研究で、数日間の夜勤スケジュールが、血糖調節、エネルギー代謝、炎症などのタンパク質リズムを乱すことが明らかになりました。これらのプロセスは慢性的な代謝症状の発症に影響を与えるため、夜勤労働者が糖尿病や肥満などの代謝障害にかかりやすい理由を示唆しています。この研究は、「Journal of Proteome Research」に掲載され、実験参加者は3日間夜勤または日勤のスケジュールを体験しました。


サーカディアン・ミスアライメントによる末梢血単核球のインスリン経路と炎症プロセスの分子レベルでの調節障害 Molecular-Level Dysregulation of Insulin Pathways and Inflammatory Processes in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells by Circadian Misalignment

Jason E. McDermott, Jon M. Jacobs, Nathaniel J. Merrill, Hugh D. Mitchell, Osama A. Arshad, Ryan McClure, Justin Teeguarden, Rajendra P. Gajula, Kenneth I. Porter, Brieann C. Satterfield, Kirsie R. Lundholm, Debra J. Skene, Shobhan Gaddameedhi, and Hans P. A. Van Dongen
Journal of Proteome Research  Published:April 15, 2024


夜勤が糖尿病や肥満のリスクを高めるという研究結果(Study shows how night shift work can raise risk of diabetes, obesity)

Circadian misalignment due to night work has been associated with an elevated risk for chronic diseases. We investigated the effects of circadian misalignment using shotgun protein profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells taken from healthy humans during a constant routine protocol, which was conducted immediately after participants had been subjected to a 3-day simulated night shift schedule or a 3-day simulated day shift schedule. By comparing proteomic profiles between the simulated shift conditions, we identified proteins and pathways that are associated with the effects of circadian misalignment and observed that insulin regulation pathways and inflammation-related proteins displayed markedly different temporal patterns after simulated night shift. Further, by integrating the proteomic profiles with previously assessed metabolomic profiles in a network-based approach, we found key associations between circadian dysregulation of protein-level pathways and metabolites of interest in the context of chronic metabolic diseases. Endogenous circadian rhythms in circulating glucose and insulin differed between the simulated shift conditions. Overall, our results suggest that circadian misalignment is associated with a tug of war between central clock mechanisms controlling insulin secretion and peripheral clock mechanisms regulating insulin sensitivity, which may lead to adverse long-term outcomes such as diabetes and obesity. Our study provides a molecular-level mechanism linking circadian misalignment and adverse long-term health consequences of night work.
