てんかんの臨床試験でフリッカー刺激が注目される(Flicker Stimulation Shines in Clinical Trial for Epilepsy)


2024-05-09 ジョージア工科大学

バイオメディカルエンジニアのアナベル・シンガーは、フリッカーと呼ばれる点滅する光とリズミカルな音を用いたアルツハイマー病の非侵襲的治療法を開発しました。この技術は、てんかんや多発性硬化症など他の神経障害の患者にも利益をもたらす可能性があることが分かりました。臨床試験を通じて、フリッカー治療が脳の間代性てんかん形成性放電(IED)を減少させる効果があることが確認されました。IEDはてんかんのみならず、自閉症やアルツハイマー病など他の神経障害にも見られ、記憶障害を引き起こします。この発見は「Nature Communications」に最近発表されました。


多感覚フリッカーは広範な脳内ネットワークを調節し、発作間てんかん様放電を減少させる Multisensory flicker modulates widespread brain networks and reduces interictal epileptiform discharges

Lou T. Blanpain,Eric R. Cole,Emily Chen,James K. Park,Michael Y. Walelign,Robert E. Gross,Brian T. Cabaniss,Jon T. Willie & Annabelle C. Singer
Nature Communications  Published11 April 2024

てんかんの臨床試験でフリッカー刺激が注目される(Flicker Stimulation Shines in Clinical Trial for Epilepsy)


Modulating brain oscillations has strong therapeutic potential. Interventions that both non-invasively modulate deep brain structures and are practical for chronic daily home use are desirable for a variety of therapeutic applications. Repetitive audio-visual stimulation, or sensory flicker, is an accessible approach that modulates hippocampus in mice, but its effects in humans are poorly defined. We therefore quantified the neurophysiological effects of flicker with high spatiotemporal resolution in patients with focal epilepsy who underwent intracranial seizure monitoring. In this interventional trial (NCT04188834) with a cross-over design, subjects underwent different frequencies of flicker stimulation in the same recording session with the effect of sensory flicker exposure on local field potential (LFP) power and interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) as primary and secondary outcomes, respectively. Flicker focally modulated local field potentials in expected canonical sensory cortices but also in the medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex, likely via resonance of stimulated long-range circuits. Moreover, flicker decreased interictal epileptiform discharges, a pathological biomarker of epilepsy and degenerative diseases, most strongly in regions where potentials were flicker-modulated, especially the visual cortex and medial temporal lobe. This trial met the scientific goal and is now closed. Our findings reveal how multi-sensory stimulation may modulate cortical structures to mitigate pathological activity in humans.
