市販の土壌から多剤耐性菌が発見される(Multidrug-resistant fungi found in commercial soil, compost, flower bulbs)


2024-06-25 ジョージア大学 (UGA)

新しいUGAの研究によると、市販の堆肥、土壌、花の球根には多剤耐性の真菌が高濃度で含まれています。特にAspergillus fumigatusは土壌に広く存在し、免疫系が弱い人々に深刻な健康リスクをもたらします。この真菌に感染すると、免疫抑制薬を使用している人々や慢性疾患を持つ人々はほぼ100%の致死率に直面します。研究では、市販の堆肥や土壌、花の球根から500以上のAspergillus fumigatus株が検出され、その90%がこれらの製品に含まれていました。特に花の球根(チューリップ、ダリアなど)や堆肥に多く含まれていました。免疫系が弱い人々にはガーデニング時にN-95マスクの着用が推奨されます。この研究は「Applied and Environmental Microbiology」に発表されました。


市販園芸商品におけるヒト病原体Aspergillus fumigatusのアゾール耐性機構と個体群構造 Azole resistance mechanisms and population structure of the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus on retail plant products

Caroline Wang, Natalie Miller, Douglas Vines, Paul M. Severns, Michelle Momany, Marin T. Brewer
Applied and Environmental Microbiology  Published:23 April 2024

市販の土壌から多剤耐性菌が発見される(Multidrug-resistant fungi found in commercial soil, compost, flower bulbs)


Aspergillus fumigatus is a ubiquitous saprotroph and human-pathogenic fungus that is life-threatening to the immunocompromised. Triazole-resistant A. fumigatus was found in patients without prior treatment with azoles, leading researchers to conclude that resistance had developed in agricultural environments where azoles are used against plant pathogens. Previous studies have documented azole-resistant A. fumigatus across agricultural environments, but few have looked at retail plant products. Our objectives were to determine if azole-resistant A. fumigatus is prevalent in retail plant products produced in the United States (U.S.), as well as to identify the resistance mechanism(s) and population genetic structure of these isolates. Five hundred twenty-five isolates were collected from retail plant products and screened for azole resistance. Twenty-four isolates collected from compost, soil, flower bulbs, and raw peanuts were pan-azole resistant. These isolates had the TR34/L98H, TR46/Y121F/T289A, G448S, and H147Y cyp51A alleles, all known to underly pan-azole resistance, as well as WT alleles, suggesting that non-cyp51A mechanisms contribute to pan-azole resistance in these isolates. Minimum spanning networks showed two lineages containing isolates with TR alleles or the F46Y/M172V/E427K allele, and discriminant analysis of principle components identified three primary clusters. This is consistent with previous studies detecting three clades of A. fumigatus and identifying pan-azole-resistant isolates with TR alleles in a single clade. We found pan-azole resistance in U.S. retail plant products, particularly compost and flower bulbs, which indicates a risk of exposure to these products for susceptible populations and that highly resistant isolates are likely distributed worldwide on these products.
