隠れた武器を持つナノロボットが癌細胞を殺す(Nanorobot with hidden weapon kills cancer cells)


2024-07-01 カロリンスカ研究所(KI)

カロリンスカ研究所の研究者たちは、マウスのがん細胞を殺すナノロボットを開発しました。このロボットの武器はナノ構造に隠されており、腫瘍の微小環境でのみ露出し、健康な細胞を保護します。研究成果は『Nature Nanotechnology』に発表されました。


細胞毒性リガンド・ナノパターンの自律的表示を制御するDNAロボットスイッチ A DNA robotic switch with regulated autonomous display of cytotoxic ligand nanopatterns

Yang Wang,Igor Baars,Ieva Berzina,Iris Rocamonde-Lago,Boxuan Shen,Yunshi Yang,Marco Lolaico,Janine Waldvogel,Ioanna Smyrlaki,Keying Zhu,Robert A. Harris & Björn Högberg
Nature Nanotechnology  Published:01 July 2024

隠れた武器を持つナノロボットが癌細胞を殺す(Nanorobot with hidden weapon kills cancer cells)


The clustering of death receptors (DRs) at the membrane leads to apoptosis. With the goal of treating tumours, multivalent molecular tools that initiate this mechanism have been developed. However, DRs are also ubiquitously expressed in healthy tissue. Here we present a stimuli-responsive robotic switch nanodevice that can autonomously and selectively turn on the display of cytotoxic ligand patterns in tumour microenvironments. We demonstrate a switchable DNA origami that normally hides six ligands but displays them as a hexagonal pattern 10 nm in diameter once under higher acidity. This can effectively cluster DRs and trigger apoptosis of human breast cancer cells at pH 6.5 while remaining inert at pH 7.4. When administered to mice bearing human breast cancer xenografts, this nanodevice decreased tumour growth by up to 70%. The data demonstrate the feasibility and opportunities for developing ligand pattern switches as a path for targeted treatment.
