データの安全性:パーソナライズされた健康データを用いた研究におけるブレークスルー(Data security: Breakthrough in research with personalized health data)


2024-10-15 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)

「Federated Secure Computing」プロジェクトは、異なる機関の患者データを安全かつ匿名で分析できる新手法を発表しました。この方法は、安全な多者計算を用い、データを共有せずに計算結果のみを開示します。研究チームは、癌患者データを使用し、ヨーロッパの厳しいプライバシー規制に準拠しながら、放射線療法のリスク要因を特定し、患者の生存率と生活の質を向上させる可能性を示しました。


安全なマルチパーティ計算による患者データのプライバシーに配慮した評価を欧州で試験的に実施 Privacy-friendly evaluation of patient data with secure multiparty computation in a European pilot study

Hendrik Ballhausen,Stefanie Corradini,Claus Belka,Dan Bogdanov,Luca Boldrini,Francesco Bono,Christian Goelz,Guillaume Landry,Giulia Panza,Katia Parodi,Riivo Talviste,Huong Elena Tran,Maria Antonietta Gambacorta & Sebastian Marschner
npj Digital Medicine  Published:14 October 2024

データの安全性:パーソナライズされた健康データを用いた研究におけるブレークスルー(Data security: Breakthrough in research with personalized health data)


In multicentric studies, data sharing between institutions might negatively impact patient privacy or data security. An alternative is federated analysis by secure multiparty computation. This pilot study demonstrates an architecture and implementation addressing both technical challenges and legal difficulties in the particularly demanding setting of clinical research on cancer patients within the strict European regulation on patient privacy and data protection: 24 patients from LMU University Hospital in Munich, Germany, and 24 patients from Policlinico Universitario Fondazione Agostino Gemelli, Rome, Italy, were treated for adrenal gland metastasis with typically 40 Gy in 3 or 5 fractions of online-adaptive radiotherapy guided by real-time MR. High local control (21% complete remission, 27% partial remission, 40% stable disease) and low toxicity (73% reporting no toxicity) were observed. Median overall survival was 19 months. Federated analysis was found to improve clinical science through privacy-friendly evaluation of patient data in the European health data space.
