男の子か女の子か?ミシガン大学の研究者らが、娘が生まれる確率を高める遺伝子変異を特定(Boy or girl? U-M researchers identify genetic mutation that increases chance of having a daughter)


2024-10-16 ミシガン大学



出生時のヒトの性比の遺伝的変異体を求めて:フィッシャーは性比進化について間違っていたのか? In search of the genetic variants of human sex ratio at birth: was Fisher wrong about sex ratio evolution?

Siliang Song and Jianzhi Zhang
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences  Published:16 October 2024

男の子か女の子か?ミシガン大学の研究者らが、娘が生まれる確率を高める遺伝子変異を特定(Boy or girl? U-M researchers identify genetic mutation that increases chance of having a daughter)


The human sex ratio (fraction of males) at birth is close to 0.5 at the population level, an observation commonly explained by Fisher’s principle. However, past human studies yielded conflicting results regarding the existence of sex ratio-influencing mutations—a prerequisite to Fisher’s principle, raising the question of whether the nearly even population sex ratio is instead dictated by the random X/Y chromosome segregation in male meiosis. Here we show that, because a person’s offspring sex ratio (OSR) has an enormous measurement error, a gigantic sample is required to detect OSR-influencing genetic variants. Conducting a UK Biobank-based genome-wide association study that is more powerful than previous studies, we detect an OSR-associated genetic variant, which awaits verification in independent samples. Given the abysmal precision in measuring OSR, it is unsurprising that the estimated heritability of OSR is effectively zero. We further show that OSR’s estimated heritability would remain virtually zero even if OSR is as genetically variable as the highly heritable human standing height. These analyses, along with simulations of human sex ratio evolution under selection, demonstrate the compatibility of the observed genetic architecture of human OSR with Fisher’s principle and render it plausible that multiple OSR-influencing genetic variants segregate among humans.
