仮想環境における期待の裏切りは頭痛、吐き気、不快感を引き起こす(Expectancy violation in virtual environments causes headaches, nausea and uncanny feelings)


2025-02-15 浙江大学 (ZJU)

浙江大学の研究チームは、ビデオゲームなどの仮想環境での予期しない視覚変化が、頭痛やめまい、不快感を引き起こすことを発見しました。DOTA 2の「Mutation Mode」でマップが180度回転した際、プレイヤーが不快感や「不気味さ」を訴えたことがきっかけで研究が始まりました。CS:GOでも同様の現象が確認され、実験では、回転・鏡像変換された映像を見たゲーマーが、通常の映像に比べて強い違和感を覚えることが示されました。この研究は、仮想環境の設計における慎重な変更の重要性を示し、不気味の谷現象が人間の顔以外にも適用される可能性を示唆しています。


仮想環境における期待の裏切りは頭痛、吐き気、不快感を引き起こす Expectancy violation in virtual environments causes headaches, nausea and uncanny feelings

Athanasios V. Kokkinakis, Xuanzheng Ming, Nathan T. Han, Liyu Cao
Computers in Human Behavior Reports  Available online: 31 January 2025

仮想環境における期待の裏切りは頭痛、吐き気、不快感を引き起こす(Expectancy violation in virtual environments causes headaches, nausea and uncanny feelings)

Fig. 1Manipulated Versions of two Videogame environments and their normal counterparts. The DOTA 2 map from a top-down view and the CS:GO 2 map, De_Dust IIA. A normal DOTA 2 environment with T1 and T2 being the starting points of the two teams respectively. B. The Mutation Mode map where a rotation has taken place. C. The conventional viewpoint of De_Dust II which is how it is conventionally played in ranked-mode/tournaments. D. The reversed/mirrored viewpoint which has been modded for fun/novelty purposes. All images (DOTA 2 & CS:GO 2) are property of Valve Corporation.


In 2018, DOTA 2, a videogame played by millions of people worldwide, introduced a rotated game environment while players’ avatars and point of view remained stable. Unbeknown to the game’s designers, players reported nausea, headaches and uncanny feelings e.g., eeriness, discomfort, disgust. In Study 1, we harvested over 25,000 cross-cultural testimonies of individuals (English, Russian and Chinese) from public forums and we performed topic modelling (BERTopic & Llama 2) and sentiment analysis (VADER) confirming the above symptoms. In Study 2, we downloaded over 800.000 DOTA 2 replays from 2018 extracting timestamped player comments. Words related to headaches, nausea and uncanny (Valley) feelings occurred more frequently in the transformed environment compared to a control, starting almost immediately as soon as players saw the transformed environment. In Study 3, we created our own rotated DOTA 2 map in the lab, replicating our previous results with a specialised DOTA 2 sample (mean total of 2379.07 play hours). In Study 4, we replicated our findings in a different video game genre (CS:GO) using a different visual transformation (mirroring). These results suggest that UX designers should be cautious when modifying virtual environments, as unintended effects may cause user discomfort. Moreover, modified virtual environments could give us a reliable and consistent way to induce headaches since other methods can be problematic, supplementing our understanding of these diseases. We propose that the constant expectancy violation (memory versus visual input) and the malfunctioning of extrastriate areas, which are responsible for processing visual transformations, are central to this phenomenon.
