北米における恐竜の多様な生態系を示す新たな卵化石を発見(Eggshells Point to Diverse Dino Ecosystem in North America)


2025-03-03 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NC State)

ユタ州のシーダーマウンテン累層マッセンタチット部層で発見された化石卵殻の分析により、約1億年前の北アメリカにおける多様な恐竜生態系が明らかになりました。 この地域からは、オヴィラプトロサウルス類(羽毛を持つ二足歩行の雑食性恐竜)3種、鳥脚類(ハドロサウルスなどの植物食恐竜)2種、そしてワニ形類1種の合計6種類の新たな卵殻が発見されました。これらの発見は、当時の北アメリカにおける恐竜の多様性と生態系の複雑さを示しています。特に、複数のオヴィラプトロサウルス類が同時期に共存していた最古の証拠となり、また、ヨーロッパ以外で初めてワニ形類の卵殻が発見されたことは、これらの種の地理的分布に関する新たな知見を提供します。この研究成果は、古生物学における重要な進展であり、当時の生態系の理解を深めるものです。


ユタ州シーダーマウンテン層ムセンチュチット層における卵殻化石の多様性 Fossil eggshell diversity of the Mussentuchit Member, Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah

Joshua Hedge ,Ryan T. Tucker ,Peter J. Makovicky ,Lindsay E. Zanno
PLOS One  Published: February 26, 2025

北米における恐竜の多様な生態系を示す新たな卵化石を発見(Eggshells Point to Diverse Dino Ecosystem in North America)


The first fossil eggshell from the Cenomanian-age Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation was described over fifty years ago. In the half-century since, oodiversity of this rock unit has been limited to a single, taxonomically unstable ootaxon, currently formulated as Macroelongatoolithus carlylei. Recently, there has been a renewed effort to recover and describe the macrofauna of the Mussentuchit; however, these advances are limited to the body fossil record. Here, we examine the range of eggshells present in the Mussentuchit Member and assess the preserved biodiversity they represent. Gross morphological and microstructural inspection reveals a greater diversity of eggshells than previously described. We identify six ootaxa: three Elongatoolithidae oogenera (Macroelongatoolithus, Undulatoolithus, Continuoolithus), eggs laid by oviraptorosaur dinosaurs; two oospecies of Spheroolithus laid by ornithopod dinosaurs; and Mycomorphoolithus kohringi, laid by a crocodylomorph. The diversity of Elongatoolithidae in the Mussentuchit requires a co-occurrence of at least three putative oviraptorosaurs, the oldest such phenomenon in North America. The occurrence of the crocodylomorph oogenus Mycomorphoolithus is the first recognized occurrence outside of Europe, and the youngest yet documented. This new ooassemblage is more representative of the known paleobiodiversity of Cenomanian-age strata of Western North America and complements the body fossil record in improving our understanding of this crucial—yet poorly documented—timeslice within the broader evolution of the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin.
