パンデミックによる飲酒問題と不安感受性の関連を解明(Anxiety sensitivity led to pandemic problem drinking, new Concordia study shows)


2025-03-04 カナダ・コンコーディア大学

カナダのコンコーディア大学の新たな研究によると、不安感受性(Anxiety Sensitivity)が高い若年成人は、パンデミック中に不安症状を経験することへの恐れから飲酒に頼り、その結果、問題飲酒のリスクが高まることが示された。この研究では、不安感受性が高い人々は、ストレスの程度に関係なく、不安を和らげる手段として飲酒を選びやすく、それが健康や社会的、感情的な問題を引き起こす可能性があると指摘。これらの結果は、パンデミックのようなストレスフルな状況下でのメンタルヘルスの重要性と、適切な対処法の必要性を強調している。


COVID-19パンデミック時の若年成人の飲酒: 不安感受性、知覚ストレス、飲酒動機の役割の検討 Young adult drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining the role of anxiety sensitivity, perceived stress, and drinking motives

Charlotte Corran, MA ,Paul Norman, PhD & Roisin M. O’Connor, PhD
Journal of American College Health  Published:06 Jan 2025

パンデミックによる飲酒問題と不安感受性の関連を解明(Anxiety sensitivity led to pandemic problem drinking, new Concordia study shows)


Studies have shown that those high in anxiety were at increased risk for alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tension reduction theory points to anxiety sensitivity (AS) as a potential risk factor. Drinking to cope may further increase this risk. During the pandemic, those high in AS may have experienced increased stress and drank to cope, which may have put them at risk for misusing alcohol. Objective: The current study tested the association between AS and alcohol outcomes, mediated by perceived stress and drinking motives, among young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants and Methods: Young adults (N = 143) self-reported on AS, perceived stress, drinking motives, and alcohol outcomes (i.e., use and problems). Results: A mediation analysis revealed that AS positively predicted alcohol problems, via coping motives, and positively predicted alcohol use, via perceived stress and enhancement/sociability motives. Conclusion: These results confirm AS-risk for young adult alcohol use during the pandemic and highlight perceived stress and drinking motives as mechanisms of risk.
