アルツハイマー病への新たなアプローチ?有望な治療標的を発見(A New Approach to Alzheimer’s? Study Finds Promising Therapeutic Target)


2025-03-10 イェール大学

イェール大学の研究チームは、アルツハイマー病の新たな治療標的として、PLD3(ホスホリパーゼD3)という酵素に注目しました。 PLD3は、神経細胞内で脂質代謝に関与しており、その機能異常がアルツハイマー病の進行に影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆されています。研究では、PLD3の発現を調整することで、脳内のアミロイドβの蓄積を抑制し、神経細胞の保護につながることが確認されました。この発見は、PLD3を標的とした新しい治療法の開発に道を開く可能性があります。


細胞内プロテオミクスとiPSCモデリングによりアルツハイマー病における軸索病理の可逆的メカニズムが明らかになる Subcellular proteomics and iPSC modeling uncover reversible mechanisms of axonal pathology in Alzheimer’s disease

Yifei Cai,Jean Kanyo,Rashaun Wilson,Shveta Bathla,Pablo Leal Cardozo,Lei Tong,Shanshan Qin,Lukas A. Fuentes,Iguaracy Pinheiro-de-Sousa,Tram Huynh,Liyuan Sun,Mohammad Shahid Mansuri,Zichen Tian,Hao-Ran Gan,Amber Braker,Hoang Kim Trinh,Anita Huttner,TuKiet T. Lam,Evangelia Petsalaki,Kristen J. Brennand,Angus C. Nairn &Jaime Grutzendler
Nature Aging  Published:10 March 2025

アルツハイマー病への新たなアプローチ?有望な治療標的を発見(A New Approach to Alzheimer’s? Study Finds Promising Therapeutic Target)


Dystrophic neurites (also termed axonal spheroids) are found around amyloid deposits in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), where they impair axonal electrical conduction, disrupt neural circuits and correlate with AD severity. Despite their importance, the mechanisms underlying spheroid formation remain incompletely understood. To address this, we developed a proximity labeling approach to uncover the proteome of spheroids in human postmortem and mouse brains. Additionally, we established a human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived AD model enabling mechanistic investigation and optical electrophysiology. These complementary approaches revealed the subcellular molecular architecture of spheroids and identified abnormalities in key biological processes, including protein turnover, cytoskeleton dynamics and lipid transport. Notably, the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, which regulates these processes, was activated in spheroids. Furthermore, phosphorylated mTOR levels in spheroids correlated with AD severity in humans. Notably, mTOR inhibition in iPSC-derived neurons and mice ameliorated spheroid pathology. Altogether, our study provides a multidisciplinary toolkit for investigating mechanisms and therapeutic targets for axonal pathology in neurodegeneration.
