人為的複合ストレスが淡水食物網に及ぼす影響(Human Induced Multiple Stressors Interactively Impair Freshwater Food Webs)


2025-03-14 中国科学院(CAS)

中国科学院水生生物研究所の徐軍教授らの研究チームは、ドイツ、英国、スウェーデンの研究者と共同で、温暖化、栄養塩の富栄養化、殺虫剤イミダクロプリドの複合的な影響が淡水生態系の食物網を単純化し、エネルギーフローを変化させ、水生生態系の不安定化を引き起こす可能性があることを明らかにしました。 この研究は、複数のストレス要因が淡水の食物網にどのように影響するかを解明し、環境管理や保全活動において、これらの要因を総合的に考慮する必要性を強調しています。


複数のストレス要因が淡水の食物網を単純化する Multiple Stressors Simplify Freshwater Food Webs

Peiyu Zhang, Huan Zhang, Shaopeng Wang, Guy Woodward, Eoin J. O’Gorman, Michelle C. Jackson, Lars-Anders Hansson, Sabine Hilt, Thijs Frenken, Huan Wang, Libin Zhou, Tao Wang, Min Zhang, Jun Xu
Global Change Biology  Published: 05 March 2025


Globally, freshwater ecosystems are threatened by multiple stressors, yet our knowledge of how they interact to affect food web structure remains scant. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a large-scale mesocosm experiment to quantify the single and combined effects of three common anthropogenic stressors: warming, increased nutrient loading, and insecticide pollution, on the network structure of shallow lake food webs. We identified both antagonistic and synergistic interactive effects depending on whether the stressors affected negative or positive feedback loops, respectively. Overall, multiple stressors simplified the food web, elongated energy transfer pathways, and shifted biomass distribution from benthic to more pelagic pathways. This increased the risk of a regime shift from a clear-water state dominated by submerged macrophytes to a turbid state dominated by phytoplankton. Our novel results highlight how multiple anthropogenic stressors can interactively disrupt food webs, with implications for understanding and managing aquatic ecosystems in a changing world.
