NIH資金提供の研究で新たな脳卒中治療の可能性を特定(NIH-funded study identifies potential new stroke treatment)


2025-03-17 アメリカ国立衛生研究所(NIH)



この研究では、尿酸が脳組織を保護する可能性が示唆されており、今後の臨床試験での検証が期待されています。 これにより、標準的な治療法と組み合わせて、患者の回復を大幅に改善する可能性があります。


多施設共同前臨床試験において、尿酸による脳卒中脳保護作用は性別、年齢、合併症を超越した Uric Acid Stroke Cerebroprotection Transcended Sex, Age, and Comorbidities in a Multicenter Preclinical Trial

Rakesh B. Patel, PhD, Mariia Kumskova, MD, Hanish Kodali, PhD, Ivan Budnik, MD, PhD, Vitalii Kuznetsov, Aditi Jain, PhD, Abhishek Jha, PhD, …
Stroke  Published: 17 March 2025

Graphical Abstract

NIH資金提供の研究で新たな脳卒中治療の可能性を特定(NIH-funded study identifies potential new stroke treatment)


Past failures in translating stroke cerebroprotection provoked calls for a more rigorous methodological approach, leading to the stroke preclinical assessment network SPAN (Stroke Preclinical Assessment Network), where uric acid (UA) treatment exceeded a prespecified efficacy boundary for the primary functional outcome. Still, successful translation to humans requires confirmation of the effect of UA across key biological variables relevant to patients with stroke.

We measured the effects of intravenous UA treatment (16 mg/kg) versus intravenous saline in groups of animals enrolled in the SPAN network with diverse comorbidities, sex, and age. The masked study drug or placebo was administered during reperfusion in rodents undergoing a transient middle cerebral artery filament occlusion. The primary outcome was the modified corner test index at day 30 poststroke, and numerous secondary outcomes were collected. A modified intention-to-treat population was used in the analysis. We tested for any interactions with sex, age, and comorbidities (obesity-induced hyperglycemia and hypertension).

In total, 710 animals were randomized to receive either intravenous UA or saline. After accounting for procedural dropouts and exclusions from treatment, a total of 687 animals were qualified and analyzed, including 458 assigned to UA and 229 to intravenous saline control. UA-treated animals exhibited a better primary functional outcome at day 30 (probability, 0.56 [95% CI, 0.52–0.60]; P=0.006). UA-treated animals also had a better corner test index at day 7 (probability, 0.55 [95% CI, 0.5–0.59]; P=0.035) and a higher survival rate at day 30 (hazard ratio, 1.41 [95% CI, 1.08–1.83]; P=0.011). Brain morphometry at day 2 and 30 was comparable between the treatment groups. The improved functional outcome and survival in UA-treated animals were preserved across different species, sexes, ages, and comorbidities.

UA provides ischemic stroke cerebroprotection across key relevant biological variables, making it a promising intervention to be further tested in human clinical trials.
