適応免疫の新たなメカニズムがワクチン設計に影響を与える可能性(New Mechanism Behind Adaptive Immunity Revealed. It Could Impact How We Design Vaccines.)


2025-03-19 ロックフェラー大学

ロックフェラー大学の研究チームは、リンパ節内の胚中心におけるB細胞の突然変異と増殖のタイミングに関する新たなメカニズムを解明し、適応免疫の理解を深めました。 胚中心は、B細胞が抗体の親和性を高めるために突然変異と選択を繰り返す場として知られていますが、従来のモデルでは、B細胞は各分裂ごとに突然変異を起こし、その後に選択が行われると考えられていました。今回の研究では、高度なイメージング技術を用いて、B細胞は急速な増殖期には突然変異を抑制し、その後の段階で突然変異を導入することで、劣悪な突然変異の蓄積を防ぎながら効果的な抗体の生成を可能にしていることが示されました。この発見は、免疫システムがスピードと精度を両立させる戦略を理解する上で重要であり、将来的にはより効果的なワクチンの開発に寄与する可能性があります。


超変異の一過性サイレンシングはクローン性バースト時のB細胞親和性を維持する Transient silencing of hypermutation preserves B cell affinity during clonal bursting

Juhee Pae,Niklas Schwan,Bertrand Ottino-Loffler,William S. DeWitt,Amar Garg,Juliana Bortolatto,Ashni A. Vora,Jin-Jie Shen,Alvaro Hobbs,Tiago B. R. Castro,Luka Mesin,Frederick A. Matsen IV,Michael Meyer-Hermann &Gabriel D. Victora
Nature  Published:19 March 2025

適応免疫の新たなメカニズムがワクチン設計に影響を与える可能性(New Mechanism Behind Adaptive Immunity Revealed. It Could Impact How We Design Vaccines.)


In the course of antibody affinity maturation, germinal centre (GC) B cells mutate their immunoglobulin heavy- and light-chain genes in a process known as somatic hypermutation (SHM). Panels of mutant B cells with different binding affinities for antigens are then selected in a Darwinian manner, which leads to a progressive increase in affinity among the population. As with any Darwinian process, rare gain-of-fitness mutations must be identified and common loss-of-fitness mutations avoided. Progressive acquisition of mutations therefore poses a risk during large proliferative bursts, when GC B cells undergo several cell cycles in the absence of affinity-based selection. Using a combination of in vivo mouse experiments and mathematical modelling, here we show that GCs achieve this balance by strongly suppressing SHM during clonal-burst-type expansion, so that a large fraction of the progeny generated by these bursts does not deviate from their ancestral genotype. Intravital imaging and image-based cell sorting of a mouse strain carrying a reporter of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) activity showed that B cells that are actively undergoing proliferative bursts lack the transient CDK2low ‘G0-like’ phase of the cell cycle in which SHM takes place. We propose a model in which inertially cycling B cells mostly delay SHM until the G0-like phase that follows their final round of division in the GC dark zone, thus maintaining affinity as they clonally expand in the absence of selection.
