2025-03-21 理化学研究所,東京大学大学院理学系研究科,科学技術振興機構
- https://www.riken.jp/press/2025/20250321_2/index.html
- https://www.jst.go.jp/pr/announce/20250321-2/pdf/20250321-2.pdf
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-025-57642-8
さまざまな摂動に伴う転写変動性の根底にある遺伝的特性 Genetic properties underlying transcriptional variability across different perturbations
Saburo Tsuru & Chikara Furusawa
Nature Communications Published:21 March 2025
The rate and direction of phenotypic evolution depend on the availability of phenotypic variants induced genetically or environmentally. It is widely accepted that organisms do not display uniform phenotypic variation, with certain variants arising more frequently than others in response to genetic or environmental perturbations. Previous studies have suggested that gene regulatory networks channel both environmental and genetic influences. However, how the gene regulatory networks influence phenotypic variation remains unclear. To address this, we characterize transcriptional variations in Escherichia coli under environmental and genetic perturbations. Based on the current understanding of transcriptional regulatory networks, we identify genetic properties that explain gene-to-gene differences in transcriptional variation. Our findings highlight the role of gene regulatory networks in shaping the shared phenotypic variability across different perturbations.