脳トレはどんな人に、なぜ効果があるのか?(Who benefits from brain training, and why?)


UCIとUCリバーサイドの共同研究は、「近転移」が「遠. 転移」を予測することを示しています。 Joint UCI and UC Riverside study shows ‘near transfer’ predicts ‘far transfer’

2022-06-21 カリフォルニア大学校アーバイン校(UCI)

研究者達は、約500人の参加者を含む3つの無作為化対照試験を行い、同じ所見を再現することが出来ました。未訓練の課題、つまり慣れていない課題でどの程度向上するか(ニアトランスファー)が、抽象的推論課題へのファートランスファーの成否を決定するのである。例えて言えば、ジムでトレッドミルを使って走っている人(トレーニングまたは介入)が、屋外でも速く走れるようになった場合(near transfer)、この改善が、サイクリングやスポーツなど、他の身体活動(far transfer)に取り組む際の準備となるかどうかを予測することができるのです。


Nバック作業記憶の訓練が行列推論に及ぼす効果を、無関係なNバック作業への近転移が媒介する Near transfer to an unrelated N-back task mediates the effect of N-back working memory training on matrix reasoning

Anja Pahor,Aaron R. Seitz &Susanne M. Jaeggi
Nature Human Behaviour  Published:20 June 2022

脳トレはどんな人に、なぜ効果があるのか?(Who benefits from brain training, and why?)


The extent to which working memory training improves performance on untrained tasks is highly controversial. Here we address this controversy by testing the hypothesis that far transfer may depend on near transfer using mediation models in three separate randomized controlled trials (RCTs). In all three RCTs, totalling 460 individuals, performance on untrained N-back tasks (near transfer) mediated transfer to Matrix Reasoning (representing far transfer) despite the lack of an intervention effect in RCTs 2 and 3. Untrained N-back performance also mediated transfer to a working memory composite, which showed a significant intervention effect (RCT 3). These findings support a model of N-back training in which transfer to untrained N-back tasks gates further transfer (at least in the case of working memory at the construct level) and Matrix Reasoning. This model can help adjudicate between the many studies and meta-analyses of working memory training that have provided mixed results but have not examined the relationship between near and far transfer on an individual-differences level.
