よりきれいな空気で子供の肺活量が向上(Children’s lung capacity improved in cleaner air)


2023-02-23 スウェーデン王国・カロリンスカ研究所(KI)

◆ストックホルムの大気汚染が減少するにつれて、子供や青少年の肺活量が向上していることが、European Respiratory Journalに発表された新しい研究で報告されました。カロリンスカ研究所の研究者らは、若年層の肺の健康状態が、後に慢性肺疾患を発症するリスクに大きく影響することから、この結果を重要視しています。
◆この研究の筆頭著者であるカロリンスカ研究所環境医学研究所のZhebin Yu博士研究員は、「空気の質が改善した地域と改善しなかった地域を比較すると、若年層の参加者の肺機能が数パーセント改善したことがわかります」と述べています。「しかし、何よりも、肺機能が著しく低下するリスクが20%低下していることが確認されたのです。


大気環境の改善と小児期から成人期にかけての肺機能の成長との関連性:BAMSE研究Associations of improved air quality with lung function growth from childhood to adulthood: The BAMSE study

Zhebin Yu, Simon Kebede Merid, Tom Bellander, Anna Bergström, Kristina Eneroth, Antonios Georgelis, Jenny Hallberg, Inger Kull, Petter Ljungman, Susanna Klevebro, Massimo Stafoggia, Gang Wang, Göran Pershagen, Olena Gruzieva, Erik Melén
European Respiratory Journal  Accepted January 29, 2023.
DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01783-2022


Background The beneficial effect of improving air quality on lung function development remains understudied. We assessed associations of changes in ambient air pollution levels with lung function growth from childhood until young adulthood in a Swedish cohort study.

Methods In the prospective birth cohort BAMSE (Children, Allergy, Environment, Stockholm, Epidemiology), spirometry was conducted at the 8-year (2002–2004), 16-year (2011–2013) and 24-year follow-ups (2016–2019). Participants with spirometry data at 8 years and at least one another measurement in subsequent follow-ups were included (1509 participants with 3837 spirometry measurements). Ambient air pollution levels (particulate matter≤2.5 μm [PM2.5], particulate matter≤10 μm [PM10], black carbon [BC] and nitrogen oxides [NOx]) at residential addresses were estimated using dispersion modelling. Linear mixed-effect models were used to estimate associations between air pollution exposure change and lung function development.

Results Overall, air pollution levels decreased progressively during the study period. For example, the median (interquartile range, IQR) of PM2.5 decreased from 8.24 (0.92) μg·m-3 during 2002–2004 to 5.21 (0.67) μg·m-3 during 2016–2019. At the individual level, for each IQR reduction of PM2.5 the lung function growth rate increased by 4.63 ml year-1 (95%CI:1.64–7.61, p<0.001) for FEV1 and 9.38 ml year-1 (95%CI: 4.76–14.00, p<0.001) for FVC. Similar associations were also observed for reductions of BC and NOx. Associations persisted after adjustment for potential confounders, and were not modified by asthma, allergic sensitization, overweight, early-life air pollution exposure or antioxidant dietary intake.

Conclusions Long-term reduction of air pollution is associated with positive lung function development from childhood to young adulthood.

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