バクテリア:放射性元素が必須希土類金属に取って代わる(Bacteria: radioactive elements replace essential rare earth metals)


2023-05-11 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)

◆ランタノイドは、あらゆる種類の主要なテクノロジーにおいて有用な材料であると同時に、細菌にとっても重要であることがわかっている。しかし、Lena Daumann教授率いる国際的な多学科チームによると、特定の細菌はランタン以外に、放射性元素アメリシウムとキュリウムを利用することができ、時にはこれらを好むことができることが示された。


マイナーアクチニドがバクテリアの生活に不可欠なランタノイドに取って代わる可能性 Minor Actinides Can Replace Essential Lanthanides in Bacterial Life

Helena Singer, Robin Steudtner, Andreas S. Klein, Carolin Rulofs, Cathleen Zeymer, Björn Drobot, Arjan Pol, N. Cecilia Martinez-Gomez, Huub J. M. Op den Camp, Lena J. Daumann
Angewandte Chemie International Edition  Published: 19 April 2023

Graphical Abstract

Methylotrophic bacteria utilize actinides instead of lanthanides to sustain their metabolism: Studies with two bacterial lanthanide-using strains demonstrate that the trivalent radioactive 5 f elements americium and curium can support growth. Also, catalytic activity of the lanthanide-dependent methanol dehydrogenases with actinides is shown. For the first time it is established that actinides can play a beneficial role in biological metabolism.

Description unavailable


Certain f-block elements—the lanthanides—have biological relevance in the context of methylotrophic bacteria. The respective strains incorporate these 4 f elements into the active site of one of their key metabolic enzymes, a lanthanide-dependent methanol dehydrogenase. In this study, we investigated whether actinides, the radioactive 5 f elements, can replace the essential 4 f elements in lanthanide-dependent bacterial metabolism. Growth studies with Methylacidiphilum fumariolicum SolV and the Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 ΔmxaF mutant demonstrate that americium and curium support growth in the absence of lanthanides. Moreover, strain SolV favors these actinides over late lanthanides when presented with a mixture of equal amounts of lanthanides together with americium and curium. Our combined in vivo and in vitro results establish that methylotrophic bacteria can utilize actinides instead of lanthanides to sustain their one-carbon metabolism if they possess the correct size and a +III oxidation state.

