意識的な経験が脳のどこに存在するのかを解明する研究(Study sheds light on where conscious experience resides in the brain)


2023-07-19 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UCB)



意識的な視覚知覚が持続している間、腹側皮質と前頭前野の表象ダイナミクスは異なる Distinct ventral stream and prefrontal cortex representational dynamics during sustained conscious visual perception

Gal Vishne,Edden M. Gerber,Robert T. Knight,Leon Y. Deouell
Cell Reports  Published:July 07, 2023

意識的な経験が脳のどこに存在するのかを解明する研究(Study sheds light on where conscious experience resides in the brain)


•ECoG reveals encoding of categories and exemplars for images of varying durations
•Sustained visual information is represented with varying dynamics across the brain
•Occipitotemporal distributed representations are sustained, tracking image duration
•Frontoparietal distributed representations are transient, following stimulus onset


Instances of sustained stationary sensory input are ubiquitous. However, previous work focused almost exclusively on transient onset responses. This presents a critical challenge for neural theories of consciousness, which should account for the full temporal extent of experience. To address this question, we use intracranial recordings from ten human patients with epilepsy to view diverse images of multiple durations. We reveal that, in sensory regions, despite dramatic changes in activation magnitude, the distributed representation of categories and exemplars remains sustained and stable. In contrast, in frontoparietal regions, we find transient content representation at stimulus onset. Our results highlight the connection between the anatomical and temporal correlates of experience. To the extent perception is sustained, it may rely on sensory representations and to the extent perception is discrete, centered on perceptual updating, it may rely on frontoparietal representations.
