熱帯地方ではインフルエンザに季節性なし、医療に課題をもたらす(Influenza shows no seasonality in tropics, posing challenges for health care)


2023-08-04 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)



熱帯インフルエンザ流行の反復性と流行時期 Repeatability and timing of tropical influenza epidemics

Joseph L. Servadio ,Pham Quang Thai,Marc Choisy,Maciej F. Boni
PLOS Computational Biology  Published: July 19, 2023

熱帯地方ではインフルエンザに季節性なし、医療に課題をもたらす(Influenza shows no seasonality in tropics, posing challenges for health care)


Much of the world experiences influenza in yearly recurring seasons, particularly in temperate areas. These patterns can be considered repeatable if they occur predictably and consistently at the same time of year. In tropical areas, including southeast Asia, timing of influenza epidemics is less consistent, leading to a lack of consensus regarding whether influenza is repeatable. This study aimed to assess repeatability of influenza in Vietnam, with repeatability defined as seasonality that occurs at a consistent time of year with low variation. We developed a mathematical model incorporating parameters to represent periods of increased transmission and then fitted the model to data collected from sentinel hospitals throughout Vietnam as well as four temperate locations. We fitted the model for individual (sub)types of influenza as well as all combined influenza throughout northern, central, and southern Vietnam. Repeatability was evaluated through the variance of the timings of peak transmission. Model fits from Vietnam show high variance (sd = 64–179 days) in peak transmission timing, with peaks occurring at irregular intervals and throughout different times of year. Fits from temperate locations showed regular, annual epidemics in winter months, with low variance in peak timings (sd = 32–57 days). This suggests that influenza patterns are not repeatable or seasonal in Vietnam. Influenza prevention in Vietnam therefore cannot rely on anticipation of regularly occurring outbreaks.

Author summary

Much of the world experiences influenza in yearly recurring seasons, particularly in temperate locations. Such seasons occur each year with predictable timing. In tropical locations, even if there are influenza epidemics each year that are labeled influenza seasons, their timing is less consistent and predictable. Here, we define repeatability to refer to regular epidemics that are consistent and predictable in their timing, such as a yearly epidemic occurring during the same time of year. We measured the repeatability of influenza in Vietnam using data collected from ten years of sentinel surveillance. Using a mathematical model, we measured repeatability by estimating the timings of epidemics and how they spread throughout the year. We found that influenza epidemics in northern, central, and southern Vietnam varied widely in their timing; even if an epidemic occurred each year, their timings were typically inconsistent. By contrast, influenza epidemics were highly repeatable in four temperate locations examined. Through this, we show that influenza in Vietnam does not show consistent timings, making preparedness efforts such as vaccination campaigns difficult to design.
