新しいバイオマーカーが神経細胞の再生を予測する(New Biomarker Predicts Whether Neurons Will Regenerate)


2023-10-16 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)



ScRNAのディープシークエンシングにより、広範に適用可能な再生クラシファイアが明らかになり、皮質脊髄軸索再生における抗酸化反応の関与が示唆された。 Deep scRNA sequencing reveals a broadly applicable Regeneration Classifier and implicates antioxidant response in corticospinal axon regeneration

Hugo J. Kim,Junmi M. Saikia,Katlyn Marie A. Monte,Eunmi Ha,Daniel Romaus-Sanjurjo,Joshua J. Sanchez,Andrea X. Moore,Marc Hernaiz-Llorens,Carmine L. Chavez-Martinez,Chimuanya K. Agba,Haoyue Li,Joseph Zhang,Daniel T. Lusk,Kayla M. Cervantes,Binhai Zheng
Neuron  Published:October 16, 2023


•Applying Garnett to deep scRNA-seq of CST neurons led to Regeneration Classifier
•Regeneration Classifier predicts regenerative potential of diverse neuronal types
•Network analyses implicate antioxidant response and mitochondrial biogenesis
•Deleting antioxidant response gene NFE2L2 blocks CST axon regeneration


Despite substantial progress in understanding the biology of axon regeneration in the CNS, our ability to promote regeneration of the clinically important corticospinal tract (CST) after spinal cord injury remains limited. To understand regenerative heterogeneity, we conducted patch-based single-cell RNA sequencing on rare regenerating CST neurons at high depth following PTEN and SOCS3 deletion. Supervised classification with Garnett gave rise to a Regeneration Classifier, which can be broadly applied to predict the regenerative potential of diverse neuronal types across developmental stages or after injury. Network analyses highlighted the importance of antioxidant response and mitochondrial biogenesis. Conditional gene deletion validated a role for NFE2L2 (or NRF2), a master regulator of antioxidant response, in CST regeneration. Our data demonstrate a universal transcriptomic signature underlying the regenerative potential of vastly different neuronal populations and illustrate that deep sequencing of only hundreds of phenotypically identified neurons has the power to advance regenerative biology.

Graphical abstract

新しいバイオマーカーが神経細胞の再生を予測する(New Biomarker Predicts Whether Neurons Will Regenerate)
