ウイルスの祖先が次のパンデミックの予測に役立つ可能性(Virus ancestry could help predict next pandemic)


2024-02-05 エディンバラ大学

「疫病X」Disease Xとは、世界保健機関が仮想的な未知の病原体を指す用語であり、人類に重大な脅威をもたらす可能性がある。RNAウイルスは、風邪やCOVID-19など多くの疾患を引き起こし、最近の多くの流行やパンデミックの原因となっている。エディンバラ大学の研究チームが、743種のRNAウイルスの系統を追跡し、人間に感染するウイルスと動物から人間に感染するウイルスの進化を比較。人間に感染するウイルスは、通常、別の進化経路をたどることが明らかになった。


ヒト感染性RNAウイルスの時間的動態、発見、出現 Temporal Dynamics, Discovery, and Emergence of Human-Transmissible RNA Viruses

Lu Lu, Feifei Zhang, Liam Brierley, Gail Robertson, Margo Chase-Topping, Samantha Lycett, Mark Woolhouse
Molecular Biology and Evolution  Published:18 January 2024

Discovery curves. a) Accumulated numbers of L1, L2, and L34 virus species/types over time. b) As a) showing cumulative fractions. c) Accumulated fractions of virus genera containing L2 or L34 virus species/types or both (note that some genera contribute to both curves). d) Accumulated fractions of virus families containing L2 or L34 virus species/types or both (note that some families contribute to both curves).


Transmissibility, the ability to spread within host populations, is a prerequisite for a pathogen to have epidemic or pandemic potential. Here, we estimate the phylogenies of human infectivity and transmissibility using 1,408 genome sequences from 743 distinct RNA virus species/types in 59 genera. By repeating this analysis using data sets censored by virus discovery date, we explore how temporal changes in the known diversity of RNA viruses—especially recent increases in recognized nonhuman viruses—have altered these phylogenies. Over time, we find significant increases in the proportion of RNA virus genera estimated to have a nonhuman-infective ancestral state, in the fraction of distinct human virus lineages that are purely human-transmissible or strictly zoonotic (compared to mixed lineages), and in the number of human viruses with nearest relatives known not to infect humans. Our results are consistent with viruses that are capable of spreading in human populations commonly emerging from a nonhuman reservoir. This is more likely in lineages that already contain human-transmissible viruses but is rare in lineages that contain only strictly zoonotic viruses.

