我々の食生活の大部分を占める超加工食品を含む脳と行動研究のためのツールを開発(Virginia Tech scientists develop tool for brain and behavioral studies involving ultra-processed foods, which make up the bulk of our diet)


2024-05-30 バージニア工科大学(VirginiaTech)

VTCのFralin Biomedical Research Instituteの科学者たちは、超加工食品の報酬特性を評価する新しいツールを開発しました。これらの食品はアメリカの消費カロリーの58%を占め、健康に悪影響を及ぼすことが知られています。研究は「Appetite」誌に掲載され、26の特性に基づいて加工度の異なる食品の画像セットを提供します。NOVA分類システムに基づいて、最小限加工食品と超加工食品が選ばれ、視覚的特性、価格、栄養情報が一致するように調整されました。研究者は、栄養の専門家にこれらの食品を分類させ、NOVAの有効性を確認しました。データと画像は公開され、行動経済学や神経イメージング研究に使用される予定です。


超加工食品を評価するためのNOVAスコア付き画像セットの作成と検証。 Creation and validation of a NOVA scored picture set to evaluate ultra-processed foods.

Zach Hutelin, Monica Ahrens, Mary Elizabeth Baugh, Mary E. Oster, Alexandra L. Hanlon, Alexandra G. DiFeliceantonio
Appetite  Available online: 15 April 2024


There has been a rapid shift in the modern food environment towards increased processing in foods consumed in the United States (US) and globally. The NOVA system (not an acronym) for classifying food on degree of processing currently has the most empirical support. Consumption of foods in the NOVA 4 category, ultra-processed foods (UPF), is a risk factor for a host of poor health outcomes including heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Despite these poor health outcomes, UPF make up 58% of calories consumed in the US. Methodologies for assessing the reinforcing and rewarding properties of these foods are necessary tools. The Becker-DeGroot-Marschak auction paradigm (BDM) is a well validated tool for measuring value and is amenable to neuromonitoring environments. To allow for the testing of hypotheses based on level of food processing, we present a picture set of 14 UPF and 14 minimally-processed foods (MPF) matched on visual properties, food characteristics (fat, carbohydrate, cost, etc.), and rated perceptual properties. Further, we report our scoring of these foods using the NOVA classification system and provide additional data from credentialed nutrition professionals and on inter-rater reliability using NOVA, a critique of the system. Finally, we provide all pictures, data, and code used to create this picture set as a tool for researchers.
