野火と都市火災による消防士のがんリスクと遺伝子変化の研究(Wildland-urban fires trigger biological changes in firefighters, may explain increased cancer risks)


2025-03-04 ミシガン大学

野火と都市火災による消防士のがんリスクと遺伝子変化の研究(Wildland-urban fires trigger biological changes in firefighters, may explain increased cancer risks)


ミシガン大学を中心とした研究チームは、未開発地域と市街地が接する「ワイルドランド・アーバン・インターフェース(WUI)」での火災に対応する消防士が、特定の遺伝子発現変化を経験していることを発見しました。 この研究では、WUI火災に対応した消防士の血液サンプルを分析し、免疫機能や炎症、がんなどに関連する50のマイクロRNAの発現変化を特定しました。特に、腫瘍抑制機能を持つマイクロRNAの減少が観察され、これが消防士のがんリスク増加の一因と考えられます。これらの知見は、消防士の健康リスクを軽減するための新たな保護戦略の開発に寄与する可能性があります。




原野と都市地域の境界における消火活動に関連するエピジェネティックな変化 Epigenetic Modifications Associated With Wildland–Urban Interface (WUI) Firefighting

Jaclyn M. Goodrich, Melissa A. Furlong, Derek J. Urwin, Jamie Gabriel, Jeff Hughes, Alesia M. Jung, Miriam M. Calkins, Kathleen N. DuBose, Alberto J. Caban-Martinez …
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis  Published: 19 February 2025


Wildland–urban interface (WUI) firefighting involves exposure to burning vegetation, structures, and other human-made hazards, often without respiratory protection. Response activities can last for long periods of time, spanning multiple days or weeks. Epigenetic modifications, including microRNA (miRNA) expression and DNA methylation, are responsive to toxicant exposures and are part of the development of cancers and other diseases. Epigenetic modifications have not been studied in relation to WUI fires. Firefighters (n = 99) from southern California, including 79 firefighters who responded to at least one WUI fire, provided blood samples at baseline and approximately 10 months later. We quantified the relative abundance of 800 miRNAs in blood samples using the nCounter Human v3 miRNA expression panel and blood leukocyte DNA methylation throughout the genome via the Infinium EPIC array. We used linear mixed models to compare the expression of each miRNA across time and DNA methylation at each locus, adjusting for potential confounders. In the miRNA analysis among all firefighters, 65 miRNAs were significantly different at follow-up compared to baseline at a false discovery rate of 5%. Results were similar when restricted to firefighters with a recorded WUI fire exposure during the interim period, although only 50 were significant. Expression of miRNA hsa-miR-518c-3p, a tumor suppressor, was significantly associated with WUI fire response (fold change 0.77, 95% CI = [0.69, 0.87]). In the DNA methylation analysis, no statistically significant changes over time were identified. In summary, WUI fire exposures over a wildfire season altered miRNA expression but did not substantially impact DNA methylation.
