COVIDワクチンの流通と廃棄に関するデータを公開(Researchers Roll Out Data on COVID Vaccine Distribution and Waste)


2022-04-01 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)
COVIDワクチンの流通と廃棄に関するデータを公開(Researchers Roll Out Data on COVID Vaccine Distribution and Waste)Photo credit: Daniel Schludi.

研究者らは、将来のワクチン接種の取り組みを改善するための新たなデータ分析に拍車をかけることを目的に、米国内のCOVID-19ワクチンの出荷と浪費に関する詳細な情報を提供するデータセットを展開しています。この研究は、ノースカロライナ州立大学の研究者とBuzzFeed Newsの共同研究に由来しています。


COVID-19によるワクチンの出荷と廃棄に関するデータのモデリングと意思決定への活用 Using COVID-19 Data on Vaccine Shipments and Wastage to Inform Modeling and Decision-Making

Leila Hajibabai ,Ali Hajbabaie ,Julie Swann ,Dan Vergano
TransportationScience Published Online:1 Apr 2022


Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, disruptions have been experienced in many supply chains, particularly in personal protective equipment, testing kits, and even essential household goods. Effective vaccines to protect against COVID-19 were approved for emergency use in the United States in late 2020, which led to one of the most extensive vaccination campaigns in history. We continuously collect data on vaccine allocation, shipment and distribution, administration, and inventory in the United States, covering the entire vaccination campaign. In this article, we describe some data sets that we collaborated to obtain. We are publishing the data and making them freely available to researchers, media organizations, and other stakeholders so that others may use the data to develop insights about the distribution and wastage of vaccines during the current pandemic or to provide an informed future pandemic response. This article gives an overview of vaccine distribution logistics in the United States, describes the data we obtain, outlines how they may be accessed and used by others, and describes some high-level analyses demonstrating some aspects of the data (for data collected during January 1, 2021–March 31, 2021). This article also provides directions for future research using the collected data. Our goal is two-fold: (i) We would like the data to be used in many creative ways to inform the current and future pandemic response. (ii) We also want to inspire other researchers to make their data publicly available in a timely manner.
