変性性眼疾患の早期診断に向けた新装置を開発(A new device for early diagnosis of degenerative eye disorders)


2022-10-28 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)



生体内健常眼における経強膜光学イメージングを用いた網膜色素上皮イメージング。 in vivo Retinal Pigment Epithelium Imaging using Transscleral OPtical Imaging in healthy eyes

Laura Kowalczuk,Rémy Dornier,Mathieu Kunzi,Antonio Iskandar,Zuzana Misutkova,Aurélia Gryczka,Aurélie Navarro,Fanny Jeunet,Irmela Mantel,Francine Behar-Cohen,Timothé Laforest,Christophe Moser
Ophthalmology Science  Published:October 18, 2022

変性性眼疾患の早期診断に向けた新装置を開発(A new device for early diagnosis of degenerative eye disorders)


To image healthy retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) in vivo using Transscleral OPtical Imaging (TOPI) and to analyze statistics of macular RPE cell features as a function of age, axial length (AL) and eccentricity.

Single-center, exploratory, prospective, and descriptive clinical study.

49 eyes (AL: 24.03±0.93 mm; range: 21.88 – 26.7 mm) from 29 participants aged 21 to 70 years (37.1±13.3 years; 19 males, 10 females)

Retinal images, including ultra-wide field fundus photography and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, AL and refractive error measurements were collected at baseline. For each eye, 6 high resolution RPE images were acquired using TOPI at different locations, one of them being imaged 5 times to evaluate the repeatability of the method. Follow-up ophthalmic examination was repeated 1 to 3 weeks after TOPI to assess safety. RPE images were analyzed with a custom automated software to extract cell parameters. Statistical analysis on the selected high-contrast images included calculation of coefficient of variation (CoV) for each feature at each repetition, Spearman and Mann-Whitney tests to investigate the relationship between cell features and eye and/or subject characteristics.

Main Outcome Measures.
RPE cell features such as density, area, center-to-center spacing, number of neighbors, circularity, elongation, solidity and border distance CoV.

Macular RPE cell features were extracted from TOPI images at an eccentricity of 1.6° to 16.3° from the fovea. For each feature, the mean CoV was under 4%. Spearman’s test showed correlation within RPE cell features. In the perifovea, the region in which images were selected for all participants, longer AL significantly correlated with decreased RPE cell density (R Spearman, Rs=-0.746; p<0.0001) and increased cell area (Rs=0.668; p<0.0001), without morphological change. Aging also significantly correlated with decreased RPE density (Rs=-0.391; p=0.036) and increased cell area (Rs=0.454; p=0.013). Lower circular, less symmetric, more elongated and larger cells were observed over 50 years.

The TOPI technology imaged RPE cells in vivo with repeatability of less than 4% for the CoV and was used to analyze the influence of physiological factors on RPE cell morphometry in the perifovea of healthy volunteers.
