妊娠中のニコチン暴露は乳幼児突然死のリスクを高める可能性がある(Nicotine exposure during pregnancy may increase risk of sudden infant death)


2023-02-09 カロリンスカ研究所(KI)

◆妊娠中に母親がスナッフ(湿った口腔用タバコ製品)を使用していた乳児は、乳児突然死のリスクが3倍になることが、Karolinska Institutetの包括的登録研究によりPediatric Research誌に発表されました。母親が最初の妊婦訪問前にスナッフの摂取を中止していた場合、そのリスクははるかに低くなりました。研究者らは、妊娠中はあらゆる種類のニコチン製品を避けるべきだと結論付けています。


母親のスナッフ使用および喫煙と乳幼児突然死症候群の関連:全国登録研究 Association of maternal snuff use and smoking with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: a national register study

Anna Gunnerbeck,Cecilia Lundholm,Samuel Rhedin,Ayoub Mitha,Ruoqing Chen,Brian M. D’Onofrio & Catarina Almqvist
Pediatric Research  Published:09 February 2023

Fig. 2


The aim was to study whether non-combustible nicotine (Swedish snuff) use in pregnancy is associated with elevated risk of post neonatal mortality, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and to study how cessation before the antenatal booking influenced these risks.

This was a population-based register study of all infants with information on tobacco exposure in early pregnancy born in Sweden 1999–2019, n = 2,061,514. Self-reported tobacco use in early pregnancy was categorized as nonuse, snuff use, and moderate and heavy smoking. Multiple logistic regression models were used to estimate crude and adjusted odds ratios (aORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).

Maternal snuff use was associated with increased risks of post neonatal mortality, SIDS, and SUID. The risks of snuff use and moderate smoking were of similar magnitude. Heavy smoking was associated with the highest risks. Cessation of smoking and snuff use before the antenatal booking was associated with lower risks of SIDS and SUID compared to that of continuous usage.

Maternal snuff use was associated with increased risks of post neonatal mortality, SIDS, and SUID. Nicotine is the common substance in cigarette smoke and snuff. These findings support the hypothesis that nicotine contributes to an elevated risk of SIDS.


  • Maternal snuff use and smoking in early pregnancy were associated with increased risks of post neonatal mortality, SIDS, and SUID.
  • Cessation of smoking and snuff use before the first antenatal visit was associated with reduced risks of SIDS and SUID.
  • The common substance in cigarette smoke and snuff is nicotine. Our findings suggest that nicotine contributes to an elevated risk of SIDS and SUID.
  • The implication of our findings is that all forms of nicotine should be avoided in pregnancy.
