超音波を用いた冬眠状態への誘引(Induction of a torpor-like state with ultrasound)


2023-05-25 ワシントン大学セントルイス校

◆ワシントン大学のチェン博士らの研究チームは、マウスとラットを対象に、脳の視床下部に超音波を照射することで似たような冬眠状態を誘発する方法を見つけました。これは初めての非侵襲的で安全な冬眠状態の誘発法であり、中枢神経系をターゲットにしています。研究結果は、Nature Metabolism誌に掲載されました。


超音波を用いたげっ歯類の冬眠状態の低体温・低代謝状態の誘導について Induction of a torpor-like hypothermic and hypometabolic state in rodents by ultrasound

Yaoheng Yang,Jinyun Yuan,Rachael L. Field,Dezhuang Ye,Zhongtao Hu,Kevin Xu,Lu Xu,Yan Gong,Yimei Yue,Alexxai V. Kravitz,Michael R. Bruchas,Jianmin Cui,Jonathan R. Brestoff & Hong Chen
Nature Metabolism  Published:25 May 2023

figure 1


Torpor is an energy-conserving state in which animals dramatically decrease their metabolic rate and body temperature to survive harsh environmental conditions. Here, we report the noninvasive, precise and safe induction of a torpor-like hypothermic and hypometabolic state in rodents by remote transcranial ultrasound stimulation at the hypothalamus preoptic area (POA). We achieve a long-lasting (>24 h) torpor-like state in mice via closed-loop feedback control of ultrasound stimulation with automated detection of body temperature. Ultrasound-induced hypothermia and hypometabolism (UIH) is triggered by activation of POA neurons, involves the dorsomedial hypothalamus as a downstream brain region and subsequent inhibition of thermogenic brown adipose tissue. Single-nucleus RNA-sequencing of POA neurons reveals TRPM2 as an ultrasound-sensitive ion channel, the knockdown of which suppresses UIH. We also demonstrate that UIH is feasible in a non-torpid animal, the rat. Our findings establish UIH as a promising technology for the noninvasive and safe induction of a torpor-like state.

