粘着性、滑りやすさ、撥水性を備えたチャンネルが迷路のような重力駆動の生物医学デバイスを形成する(Sticky, Slippery, Water Repellent Channels Form Maze-Like, Gravity-Powered Biomedical Devices)


2023-07-11 デューク大学(Duke)




重力駆動の液滴流体POCテスト A gravity-driven droplet fluidic point-of-care test

Hamed Vahabi,Jason Liu,Yifan Dai,Daniel Y. Joh,Rhett Britton,Jacob Heggestad,David Kinnamon,Satyam Rajput,Ashutosh Chilkoti

Device  Published:July 11, 2023


粘着性、滑りやすさ、撥水性を備えたチャンネルが迷路のような重力駆動の生物医学デバイスを形成する(Sticky, Slippery, Water Repellent Channels Form Maze-Like, Gravity-Powered Biomedical Devices)


•A gravity-driven droplet fluidic point-of-care test

•Programmable wettability and slipperiness of surfaces

Surface fluidic elements to control the motion of multiple droplets

•A simple LDH measurement POCT device with minimum intervention and cost

The bigger picture

Motivated by the need to develop new point-of-care clinical tests, we report herein a technology that only uses surface chemistry and gravity to manipulate the sequence, timing, movement, and interactions of discrete droplets across a surface solely by gravity. To demonstrate the application of this technology for point-of-care diagnosis, we fabricate a device that combines fluidic elements to carry out a multi-step enzymatic assay of LDH with minimal user intervention.


We report a simple droplet fluidic point-of-care test (POCT) that uses gravity to manipulate the sequence, timing, and motion of droplets on a surface. To fabricate this POCT, we first developed a surface coating toolbox of nine different coatings with three levels of wettability and three levels of slipperiness that can be independently tailored. We then fabricated a device that has interconnected fluidic elements—pumps, flow resistors, and flow guides—on a highly slippery solid surface to precisely control the timing and sequence of motion of multiple droplets and their interactions on the surface. We then used this device to carry out a multi-step enzymatic assay of a clinically relevant analyte—lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)—to demonstrate the application of this technology for point-of-care diagnosis.
