性別を問わないHPVワクチン接種が子宮頸がん予防に最適(Gender-neutral HPV vaccination best at preventing cervical cancer)


2023-11-08 カロリンスカ研究所(KI)

◆子宮頸がんを予防する最も効果的な方法は、HPVワクチンを男児と女児の両方に接種することであると、カロリンスカ研究所の研究者らが参加した共同研究が報告する論文が、Cell, Host and Microbe に掲載される。


性差に基づく地域社会でのワクチン接種努力後の非ワクチン標的HPVの生態学的多様性プロファイル Ecological diversity profiles of non-vaccine-targeted HPVs after gender-based community vaccination efforts

Ville N. Pimenoff,Penelope Gray,Karolina Louvanto,Tiina Eriksson,Camilla Lagheden,Anna Söderlund-Strand,Joakim Dillner,Matti Lehtinen,
Cell Host & Microbe  Published:November 08, 2023


•Examination of the long-term effect of HPV vaccination on the ecology of untargeted HPVs
•Community-level depletion of vaccine-targeted HPV types occurs 4 years post-vaccination
•HPVs’ ecological diversity increases 8 years post gender-neutral vaccination alone
•Observed ecological diversity increases despite the clearance of vaccine-targeted HPVs


The long-term effect of population-level human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on the viral ecology of the untargeted HPVs is poorly understood. We performed an 8-year follow-up of 33 communities randomized to gender-neutral HPV16/18 vaccination, girls-only HPV16/18 vaccination, and control communities without HPV vaccination. The 1992/93 and 1994 birth cohorts were invited in school years 2007/8 and 2008/9. Follow-up cervico-vaginal sampling at 18 and 22 years of age, 4 and 8 years post-vaccination, respectively, were attended by 11,396 and 5,602 participants. HPV types 6/11/16/18/31/33/35/39/45/51/52/56/58/59/66/68 were genotyped and used for the community-level ecological diversity estimations. Gender-neutral vaccination communities with a stronger herd immunity than girls-only vaccination communities show a significantly increased HPV α-diversity (p = 1.1 × 10-8) from 4 to 8 years post-vaccination, despite the clearance of the vaccine-targeted HPVs in these communities. This likely sign of niche occupation by the non-vaccine-targeted HPVs will potentially affect the future cervical cancer screening programs but should not interfere with the WHO mission to eliminate cervical cancer.

Graphical abstract

性別を問わないHPVワクチン接種が子宮頸がん予防に最適(Gender-neutral HPV vaccination best at preventing cervical cancer)
