アルツハイマー病予防の手がかりは、遺伝にもかかわらず病気を免れた患者から得られた(Clues to preventing Alzheimer’s come from patient who, despite genetics, evaded disease)


2023-12-11 ワシントン大学セントルイス校



APOE3chはミクログリアの反応を変化させ、Aβ誘発タウの播種と拡散を抑制する APOE3ch alters microglial response and suppresses Aβ-induced tau seeding and spread

Yun Chen, Sihui Song, Samira Parhizkar, Jennifer Lord, Yiyang Zhu, Michael R. Strickland, Chanung Wang, Jiyu Park, G. Travis Tabor, Hong Jiang, Kevin Li, Albert A. Davis, Carla M. Yuede, Marco Colonna, Jason D. Ulrich, David M. Holtzman
Cell  Published: December 11, 2023


A recent case report described an individual who was a homozygous carrier of the APOE3 Christchurch (APOE3ch) mutation and resistant to autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) caused by a PSEN1-E280A mutation. Whether APOE3ch contributed to the protective effect remains unclear. We generated a humanized APOE3ch knock-in mouse and crossed it to an amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque-depositing model. We injected AD-tau brain extract to investigate tau seeding and spreading in the presence or absence of amyloid. Similar to the case report, APOE3ch expression resulted in peripheral dyslipidemia and a marked reduction in plaque-associated tau pathology. Additionally, we observed decreased amyloid response and enhanced microglial response around plaques. We also demonstrate increased myeloid cell phagocytosis and degradation of tau aggregates linked to weaker APOE3ch binding to heparin sulfate proteoglycans. APOE3ch influences the microglial response to Aβ plaques, which suppresses Aβ-induced tau seeding and spreading. The results reveal new possibilities to target Aβ-induced tauopathy.

Graphical abstract

アルツハイマー病予防の手がかりは、遺伝にもかかわらず病気を免れた患者から得られた(Clues to preventing Alzheimer’s come from patient who, despite genetics, evaded disease)
