マラリア寄生虫は時間をかけて進化する(Malaria parasite takes its time)


2023-12-14 マックス・プランク研究所

◆マラリア寄生虫の発育期間が蚊内で12日間にわたるのは、蚊の豊富な栄養供給を利用し、寄生虫がヒトへの伝播の成功を高めるためであることが、Max Planck Institute for Infection Biologyの研究で明らかになった。


蚊の代謝が原虫の生活史戦略を形成することを進化モデリングが示す Evolutionary modelling indicates that mosquito metabolism shapes the life-history strategies of Plasmodium parasites

Paola Carrillo-Bustamante,Giulia Costa,Lena Lampe & Elena A. Levashina
Nature Communications  Published:14 December 2023

マラリア寄生虫は時間をかけて進化する(Malaria parasite takes its time)


Within-host survival and between-host transmission are key life-history traits of single-celled malaria parasites. Understanding the evolutionary forces that shape these traits is crucial to predict malaria epidemiology, drug resistance, and virulence. However, very little is known about how Plasmodium parasites adapt to their mosquito vectors. Here, we examine the evolution of the time Plasmodium parasites require to develop within the vector (extrinsic incubation period) with an individual-based model of malaria transmission that includes mosquito metabolism. Specifically, we model the metabolic cascade of resource allocation induced by blood-feeding, as well as the influence of multiple blood meals on parasite development. Our model predicts that successful vector-to-human transmission events are rare, and are caused by long-lived mosquitoes. Importantly, our results show that the life-history strategies of malaria parasites depend on the mosquito’s metabolic status. In our model, additional resources provided by multiple blood meals lead to selection for parasites with slow or intermediate developmental time. These results challenge the current assumption that evolution favors fast developing parasites to maximize their chances to complete their within-mosquito life cycle. We propose that the long sporogonic cycle observed for Plasmodium is not a constraint but rather an adaptation to increase transmission potential.
