ネオン色のイソギンチャクにおける蛍光の保護的役割が研究で明らかに(Study Illuminates the Protective Role of Fluorescence in Neon-Colored Sea Anemones)


2024-03-12 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)



蛍光タンパク質は遺伝的色彩多型を生成し、潮間帯のイソギンチャクにおける酸化ストレスに対抗する Fluorescent proteins generate a genetic color polymorphism and counteract oxidative stress in intertidal sea anemones

D. Nathaniel Clarke, Noah H. Rose, Evelien De Meulenaere, +3, and Dimitri D. Deheyn
Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences  Published:March 8, 2024

ネオン色のイソギンチャクにおける蛍光の保護的役割が研究で明らかに(Study Illuminates the Protective Role of Fluorescence in Neon-Colored Sea Anemones)


Fluorescent proteins (FPs) revolutionized molecular biology, yet their natural functions remain largely mysterious. Our study illuminates roles for FPs in sea anemones, demonstrating their ability to control color variations while also protecting against oxidative stress. Remarkably, allelic differences in just one FP gene govern a vibrant color polymorphism. Further, we show how the same FPs shield against oxidative damage, offering a model for FP antioxidant action. Our insights underscore an intriguing evolutionary balance between the chromatic and physiological roles of FPs. This broadens our understanding of animal adaptation to environmental challenges and offers potential refinements in the application of FPs in scientific research.


Fluorescent proteins (FPs) are ubiquitous tools in research, yet their endogenous functions in nature are poorly understood. In this work, we describe a combination of functions for FPs in a clade of intertidal sea anemones whose FPs control a genetic color polymorphism together with the ability to combat oxidative stress. Focusing on the underlying genetics of a fluorescent green “Neon” color morph, we show that allelic differences in a single FP gene generate its strong and vibrant color, by increasing both molecular brightness and FP gene expression level. Natural variation in FP sequences also produces differences in antioxidant capacity. We demonstrate that these FPs are strong antioxidants that can protect live cells against oxidative stress. Finally, based on structural modeling of the responsible amino acids, we propose a model for FP antioxidant function that is driven by molecular surface charge. Together, our findings shed light on the multifaceted functions that can co-occur within a single FP and provide a framework for studying the evolution of fluorescence as it balances spectral and physiological functions in nature.
